Rachel Hull, NBCT West Virginia Department of Education.


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Presentation transcript:

Rachel Hull, NBCT West Virginia Department of Education

 When and where will you share with your staff?  What will you share?  How will you purposefully build the collaborative environment necessary to ensure effective questioning is a reality for all?

I think __________________________ because _____________________________________.

Using the note cards at your table, write your wonderings/questions you have about the image—one question per card.

Combine all of the questions from your table. How can you sort/organize your questions?

K 1 st 2 nd 3 rd 4 th 5 th Students will… …quote accurately from a text when explaining what the text says explicitly and when drawing inferences from the text. …refer to details and examples in a text when explaining what the text says explicitly and when drawing inferences from the text. …ask and answer questions to demonstrate understanding of a text, referring explicitly to the text as the basis for the answers. … ask and answer such questions as who, what, where, when, why, and how to demonstrate understanding of key details in a text. …ask and answer questions about key details in a text. …with prompting and support, ask and answer questions about key details in a text.

Catch and Release: Encourage Independence

 How can this strategy be applied to all subject areas?  Why are both "catching" and "releasing" important?  How does Ms. Noonan strike a balance between direct teaching and student exploration?

Search: Printable ELA Common Core Pages 1-33

Speaking and Listening Reading Writing

what teachers cover a description of what students should KNOW, UNDERSTAND, and DO

EXAMPLE:  Standards, Standards, Standards  “Performance” as evidence  Tool for evaluation  Student personalization  Checkpoints NON-EXAMPLE:  Textbook Chapter  Teacher ideas and the map to standards  Cute  The kids will like it!  Standards as a to-do list, to be checked off

“Classrooms are too often places of “tell and practice.” The teacher tells the students what is important to know or do and then has them practice that skill or knowledge. In such classrooms, little thinking is happening. Teachers in such classrooms are rightly stumped when asked to identify the kinds of thinking they want students to do because there isn’t any to be found in much of the work they give students. Retention of information through rote practice isn’t learning; it is training.” Making Thinking Visible Harvard Graduate School of Education

Gallery Walk

 What role does questioning play?  How does the teacher transfer to the hands of the students?  In what ways are skills and knowledge being fostered?

 On your paper, do a private See-Think- Wonder.  One person (pair) at a time, will “play” his/her piece of the puzzle. Explain your thoughts about your piece.  Pieces will be added and discussed until the entire graphic is reconstructed.  As a group complete the following frame: We think ________ because _______________.

 What role does questioning play?  How did I transfer the construction of knowledge to your hands?  In what ways are skills and knowledge being fostered?

College Talk: Improving Students’ Vocabulary

 When and where will you share with your staff?  What will you share?  How will you purposefully build the collaborative environment necessary to ensure effective questioning is a reality for all?