Objective: To multiply numbers by a 1-digit number.


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Presentation transcript:

Objective: To multiply numbers by a 1-digit number.

An African elephant, the heaviest land mammal, weighs 14,632 pounds. A humpback whale weighs as much as 4 African elephants. How much might a humpback whale weighs?

 A chain is a surveyor’s measure that is 792 inches long. How many inches long is a field that is 6 chains long?

a) 20,317 x 4 b) 5 x 3,014 = n (use place value and expanded form) 3,014 = 3, (5 x 3,000) + ( 5 x 10) + ( 5 x 4) = n 15, = n 15,070 = n

Text Book Page 151 Q Homework: Pg 35 Q 1 – 5, Q 10, 12, 13