China Meteorological Administration National Satellite Meteorological Center Training Course on Satellite Meteorology 2012 ) Oct.22-Nov.2 Beijing China CMA Working Papers for CGMS-41
Agenda ItemCMA-WP II/204CMA activities on SCOPE-Nowcasting II/305CMA activities on GSICS II/606CMA progress on AMV inter-comparison study II/907Validation of FY-3B Sea Surface Temperature List of CMA Working Papers for CGMS-41 Workgroup II
CMA Activities on GSICS CGMS-41, CMA-WP-05 Prepared by CMA Agenda Item: II/3 Discussed in WGII CMA-WP-05 informs CGMS of the progress of CMA GPRC last year in the geostationary imagery calibration monitoring based on operational GEO-LEO IR inter-calibration for FY-2D/2E/2Fsatellites. Especially, besides providing calibration correction, GSICS plays a key role in monitoring the onboard blackbody calibration, which has recently become operational with the help of lunar observation. LEO-LEO inter-calibration evaluation for FY-3A/B IR bands using AIRS and IASI shows calibration bias and non-linearity of their optical sensors (MERSI/VIRR/IRAS). Calibration tracking and inter-calibration based on Deep Convective Cloud (DCC) are being implemented for FY-3A/MERSI and FY- 2/VISSR. The Instrument Performance Monitoring for the FY sensors is being established based on telemetry and engineering data and displayed near real- time on the CMA GSICS website (
Introduction The CMA GSICS Processing and Research Center (GPRC) was established in Actions have been taken in response to CGMS recommendations to establish the near real-time monitoring for the instrument performance, to provide explanation for significant discrepancies in satellite inter- calibration, and to generate long-term satellite-based climatology. Some progresses have been made with regard to the calibration of Fengyun satellite sensors in implementing GSICS actions since CGMS-36.
FY-2 operational calibration and GSICS Implementation Before 2005: The FY-2A/2B IR calibration based on Vicarious Calibration using Qinghai Lake had no real-time/near real-time operational calibration. 2005: FY-2C is operationally calibrated based on inter-calibration using AVHRR and HIRS since : FY-2D is operationally calibrated based on inter-calibration using AVHRR and HIRS. 2009: FY-2C/2D GSICS IR calibration experiment using the AIRS and IASI since Oct., 2009.Development of onboard half-optical BB calibration model based on GSICS reference standard.
FY-2 operational calibration and GSICS Implementation 2011: FY-2D/2E operational calibration monitoring test using GSICS IR calibration since May, : FY-2E GSICS GEO-LEO IASI results has become the operational input of L1 calibration LUT instead of AVHRR/HIRS.FY-2F operational calibration has been based on onboard blackbody and moon observation with diurnal change since July, : All FY-2 serials satellites will be calibrated using on-board blackbody and these operational calibration. GSICS calibration is still used to monitoring the calibration bias using AIRS/IASI or CrIS.
FY-2D/2E/VISSR calibration bias with respect to Aqua/AIRS reference. The bias of IR1,IR2 and IR3 are shown by red, green, and blue points in 290 K (IR1 and IR2) or 250K (IR3) reference scene.
FY-3 GSICS Activity Collocation map of VIRR (bottom) and AIRS (overlay Grid) and SNO Cross Point between FY-3A and Aqua orbit
FY-3B IRAS inter-calibration
VIRR inter-calibration FY-3A/VIRR band 4 and 5 calibration bias FY-3B/VIRR band 4 and 5 calibration bias
CMA GSICS website The new CMA GPRC website ( ) is opened in March All information about the FY satellite sensors and calibration can be obtained from this website.
The End Thanks for your attention