On May 2 nd, Canadians head to the polls … again.
Stephen Harper Creating jobs through training, trade and low taxes. Creating jobs through training, trade and low taxes. Supporting families through a Family Tax Cut and more support for seniors and caregivers. Supporting families through a Family Tax Cut and more support for seniors and caregivers. Eliminating the deficit by by controlling spending and cutting waste. Eliminating the deficit by by controlling spending and cutting waste. Making our streets safe through new laws to protect children and the elderly. Making our streets safe through new laws to protect children and the elderly. Standing on guard for Canada by investing in the development of Canada’s North, cracking down on human smuggling and strengthening the Canadian Armed Forces. Standing on guard for Canada by investing in the development of Canada’s North, cracking down on human smuggling and strengthening the Canadian Armed Forces.
Michael Ignatieff Learning Passport : $1,000 a year over four years for every high school student in Canada to use when they go to college or university, or $4,000 in total. Learning Passport : $1,000 a year over four years for every high school student in Canada to use when they go to college or university, or $4,000 in total. Early Childhood Learning: Create a new Early Childhood Learning and Care Fund. This fund will help create new affordable child care spaces across Canada. Early Childhood Learning: Create a new Early Childhood Learning and Care Fund. This fund will help create new affordable child care spaces across Canada. Family Care: A new Family Care Employment Insurance Benefit, similar to EI parental leave, to let caregivers take six months off work to care for gravely ill family members at home Family Care: A new Family Care Employment Insurance Benefit, similar to EI parental leave, to let caregivers take six months off work to care for gravely ill family members at home Stronger Pensions: Work with the provinces and territories to gradually expand the Canada Pension Plan (CPP), the most reliable, simple and low-cost way to save. Stronger Pensions: Work with the provinces and territories to gradually expand the Canada Pension Plan (CPP), the most reliable, simple and low-cost way to save. Green Renovation Tax Credit: Tax Credit of up to $13,500. This fund will help families with the up-front costs of energy-saving home renovations such as installing energy-efficient windows, improving insulation, and upgrading roofing. Green Renovation Tax Credit: Tax Credit of up to $13,500. This fund will help families with the up-front costs of energy-saving home renovations such as installing energy-efficient windows, improving insulation, and upgrading roofing.
Jack Layton Hire more doctors and nurses: Training more doctors and nurses, and give doctors that have left Canada incentives to come back home. Hire more doctors and nurses: Training more doctors and nurses, and give doctors that have left Canada incentives to come back home. Strengthen pension: Work with the provinces to double public pension and offer more choice over retirement savings. Strengthen pension: Work with the provinces to double public pension and offer more choice over retirement savings. Kick-start job creation: Give small businesses a 2 percentage points tax cut, and bring in targeted tax credits for companies that hire in Canada. Kick-start job creation: Give small businesses a 2 percentage points tax cut, and bring in targeted tax credits for companies that hire in Canada. Help out your family budget: Cap credit card fees at prime +5, take the federal sales tax off home heating, and give consumers control over cell phone bills. Help out your family budget: Cap credit card fees at prime +5, take the federal sales tax off home heating, and give consumers control over cell phone bills. Fix Ottawa for good: Stop the scandals and commit to working with other parties to get things done. Fix Ottawa for good: Stop the scandals and commit to working with other parties to get things done.
Elizabeth May Green jobs, fair global trade, healthy industry. Green jobs, fair global trade, healthy industry. Cut wasteful subsidies. Get the prices right for long-term sustainability Help for married couples and families. Help for local governments. Respect and support our elders. Reform voting system. Ensure that citizenship is equal. Global action on global problems. Contribute to a peaceful solution in Afghanistan. Make poverty history.
Gilles Duceppe Gilles Duceppe is the longest-serving federal leader, he is heading into his eighth election and his sixth as Bloc leader. Gilles Duceppe is the longest-serving federal leader, he is heading into his eighth election and his sixth as Bloc leader. Duceppe is the first politician ever directly elected to the House of Commons on a sovereigntist platform. Duceppe is the first politician ever directly elected to the House of Commons on a sovereigntist platform. No candidates outside of Quebec. No candidates outside of Quebec.
Charleswood - St. James - Assiniboia Incumbent Steven Fletcher Conservative Party Rob Clement Liberal Party Denali Enns Green Party Tom Paulley New Democratic Party These are the representative candidates for each political party in this riding.
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