Vocabulary (list with definitions) Organisms, are an individual animal, plant, or a single celled life form. Octopus, a cephalopod mollusk with eight sucker-bearing arms a soft saclike body, strong beaklike jaws, and no internal shell. Fish, a limbless cold-blooded vertebrate animal with gills and fins and living wholly in water Ocean, a very large expanse of sea, in particular, each of the main areas into which the sea is divided geographically.
Concepts (name and explain) They are different because they have adapted to the under-water and high pressure of water and they an swim at such depth and have gotten use to the darkness like the flashlight fish it has a tentacle like thing that has a light at the top of it so it can see at such darkness.
Impact (explain impact(s)Impact (explain impact(s) It impacts the people by not being able to discover everything down where we cannot go and get pictures of other creatures. Also maybe loosing stuff at the deep where we cannot reach may cause other problems as well.
The Deep Sea LifeThe Deep Sea Life THE END BY; Jordan MacPhee