Marine Biologist By: Skyler H. 04/20/11
Marine biologist to most means taking pictures of dolphins and other fish. But really it is managing wildlife under water and collecting interesting things from the ocean and studying them.
You could not obtain this career and stay local, you would need to relocate In order to work as a marine biologist. In order to be a marine biologist you would need to live on the shore, or by rocky waters. Such as creeks, rivers, or even nice lakes.
Being A marine biologist can be a very dangerous job Being A marine biologist can be a very dangerous job. You have to get to crazy places to find neat things.
The benefits for being a marine biologist are that you get to enjoy beautiful views, you get to travel, and your salary can range between 50,000 dollars to 100,000 a year. Depending on your experience in the field.
To get into marine biology , you need to have an undergraduate and post graduate degree in a major related to science.
Always think about what you want to do in life Always think about what you want to do in life. Plan ahead of time and look into things your interested in.
Citations Page Author unknown. Online posting.“Becoming a Marine Biologist. "posting date unknown. Sunysb Life biography.20 April 2011. Author unknown. Online posting.” Reef attractions.” posting date unknown. Jenspics life biography. 20 April 2011. Author unknown. Online posting.“Hawaii scenes "posting date unknown. Hawaiiscenes. 20 April 2011. Author, various. Online posting.”google images” posting date. Always updated. 20 April 2011.