Consumer Electronics Powerline Communication Alliance An Overview Michael Stelts, President ©2006 CEPCA, All rights reserved.
March 27, 2006 International Membership 1) Analog Devices 2) Delta Electronics 3) Hitachi 4) Mitsubishi 5) MMC 6) Panasonic 7) Philips 8) Pioneer 9) Sanyo 10) Sony 11) ST&T 12) Toshiba 13) Yamaha 14) Xeline Over $300B annual electronics sales
March 27, 2006 H PLC modems employing different modulation schemes can’t check each other, resulting in crippling collisions. Access AV Control What Problem is CEPCA Solving? C A AH HCC AAA f t Mutual Interference
March 27, 2006 AV speedAccess status (4–28MHz)OffOn In phase7050 Out of phase6020 Access speedIn-Home status (3–13MHz)OffOn In phase300 Out of phase300.8 AV PLC Access CPE* Access Repeater *CPE = Customer Premise Equipment Same phase Cross phase An Example of Today’s Problem Measured Throughput (Mbps) AV PLC
March 27, 2006 One Powerline–Different Applications
March 27, 2006 Different Applications & Different Technologies HomePlugDS2HD-PLCEasyplugRenesas Analog Devices Hitachi Mitsubishi Panasonic Pioneer Sanyo Sony ST&T YAMAHA
March 27, 2006 Different Applications …and their uses will multiply
March 27, 2006 Mutually Assured Destruction …if nothing is done now
March 27, 2006 Coexistence Prevents Destruction CEPCA Mission: Harmonize dissonant technologies
March 27, 2006 The Best Solutions can Prosper …for access, control, AV, etc.
March 27, 2006 CEPCA Defines Coexistence AH HCC AAA f t Coexistence By pragmatically addressing the needs of all PLC applications, CEPCA is creating an impartial coexistence specification. f t Mutual Interference
March 27, 2006 CEPCA Goals 1)Develop PLC coexistence standard Oct. 6, 2005Initial specification approved Q4 – Q1 2006Spec evaluation and field trials Q2 2006Publish final specification 2)Promote coexistence worldwide Participate in international standards Recruit companies in every region 3)Encourage PLC deregulation in Japan
March 27, 2006 CEPCA Coexistence = Reliability CEPCA specification promotes coexistence Reduce Power Utility service calls Minimize CE product returns Non-partisan solution ensures wide adoption No Returns
March 27, 2006 Coexistence Timeline CEPCA coexistence added to chips CEPCA Final Spec. technologies
March 27, 2006 CEPCA Standards Participation IEEE P1901ETSI PLTPLC-J Hitachi Mitsubishi Panasonic Pioneer Sony Yamaha
March 27, 2006 Why not just wait for a standard? Standards take time A CEPCA consensus accelerates standardization Incremental solutions reduce risk while standards develop CEPCA strongly supports standards CEPCA members submitting proposals to IEEE, ETSI, PLC-J Participation encourages coexistence Rigorous review refines CEPCA proposals
March 27, 2006 CEPCA Improves Market Opportunity market penetration time ideal today CEPCA CEPCA + standard CEPCA publication standard approved limit = field failures limit = bandwidth
March 27, 2006 Summary: CEPCA Goals are Unique CEPCA members are PLC technology users Need realistic, low-risk way to add features to products Representing access, control, and AV markets Users define what technology providers must do to make a sale CEPCA is technology-agnostic Founders using five+ technologies Impartial forum lets technologies coexist & compete CEPCA is a global effort Global companies Worldwide solution Strong membership includes America, Europe, and Asia
Consumer Electronics Powerline Communication Alliance Ensuring a healthy PLC market.