DELETE THIS SLIDE! I borrowed and edited the fabulous slide show left behind by my predecessor, Rhonda. I added and subtracted slides & text, and I also set the slides to change automatically after 12 seconds. I found this kept me from talking too long! I would of course, advance the slides that didn’t require 12 seconds…
Table of Contents Welcome Meet the Staff Student I.D.s Virtual Tour/Library Hours Library Passes Circulation Fines Resources
Welcome to…
Meet Your Principal Dr. Debra Nobles
Meet Your Assistant Principal Ms. Karla Rainey
Meet Your Assistant Principal Mr. Buddy Dunworth
Meet Your Counselors Ms. Katie Wallace & Mrs. Mary Arndt
Your Student Assistance Counselor Ms. Bobbie Roberts
Meet Your Receptionist Ms. Katie Haught
Meet Your School Nurse Mrs. Betty Reed, R.N.
Meet Your Attendance Secretary Mrs. Martha Frank
Meet our Bookkeeper Ms. Kams Raman
Meet Your Registrar Mrs. Sherry Foster
Meet Your Principal Secretary Ms. Christina Rivera
Meet Your Campus Technologist Mrs. Davis
Meet Your Curriculum Tech. Specialist (CTS) Mr. Brant Weatherford
Meet Your Librarian Hello, I’m your librarian. This is my 2 nd year at McMath, and I am so happy to welcome you to the best middle school in town. I hope you have a great year. Don’t hesitate to let me know how I can help you.
Meet You Library Paraprofessional Mrs. Robin Looney
McMath Student I.D.s Everyone at McMath must wear I.D.s on a lanyard around their necks at all times. I.D.s for: materials check out lunch payment & for the total safety of the school. Consequences given for not wearing I.D.s, for not wearing them properly and for defacing I.D.s.
Consequences All ID’s checked 1 st and 2 nd periods. Get ID’s made before 10! Students with no ID will go to the office to get a sticker. Consequences handled by your core/team teachers & assistant principals.
Virtual Tour Of the Library
Display table
PAC stations
Circulation desk
Magazines & Biographies
Biographies & Fiction
Student computers
Color printer, Student computers, & the Everybody collection
Library Internet Lab
Seating areas We have three comfortable reading areas.
Nonfiction & seating area
Virtual Tour For your convenience, we have two (2) book drops. One at the Circulation Desk and one in the North Hall.
Hours Open 8:00 AM Welcome before school to read, study, research, do homework (with a Library Pass only) Talk with friends?? – Stay outside Close 4:00 PM
Library Passes Want to come to the library before school? Must apply for a Library Pass. Applications in the library. After school, NO pass needed! Library passes are $1.00 or two canned goods.
Circulation 4 books 2 weeks Renew one time 1 magazine Overnight only Reference books used in the library only.
Fines $.25 a day per item Lost Items- the cost of replacing the item
Resources Access to over twenty online data- bases
Resources Multimedia Equipment
Resources 14,000+ Print Resources
Resources Over 20 Different Magazines Available for One Day Checkout
A Few Reminders Please do not reshelve books yourself. Carts near the front desk Must have a PASS to come to library Must have “Computer” on it, to use one Must have ID to checkout and/or use computers Must have a teacher to enter from side door
Technology and the AUP Respect Privacy Respect for Property Respect for Ownership Respect for Others and the Law Use of the Internet is a privilege, not a right. Access will be withdrawn for not respecting rights of others or not following rules & regulations of school and District.
Remember -READ, READ, READ!!!!!! It’s my favorite indulgence!