ISO Standards: Status, Tools, Implementations, and Training Standards/David Danko
What I’m covering NAP ISO Overview of NAP What’s different and what’s common between FGDC and NAP (and ISO 19115) ISO Metadata Standards Fundamental metadata, data quality, feature catalog, imagery and gridded data What’s new in ISO Schedule
North American Profile (NAP) of ISO 19115:2003 Metadata Selection of items from ISO19115:2003 Promotion of optional fields to mandatory Extension of code lists Addition of values to existing code lists Addition of code lists Introduction of a multilingual register Compliant to ISO19135:2005 on registers English and/et Français Metadata items Code lists Register is accessible on the Web XML document Web Services Web Browser pmetadata/register/index.html
NAP ISO 19115:2003 Title: NAP – Metadata 1. Preface (Introduction) 1.1. About Metadata 1.2. Using Metadata 2. Scope 3. Normative References 4. Terms and Definitions 5. Symbols and Abbreviated Terms 6. Metadata Content 6.1. Best Practices 7. Cultural and Linguistic Adaptability 8. Code Lists 9. NAP Metadata Registry Annexes Data Types Metadata schemas/UML - normative with differences from ISO identified Conformance Clauses Metadata implementation FGDC to NAP Metadata
FGDC - NAP “Equivalences” Metadata reference info Identification info Data quality Spatial data Organization Spatial Reference info Entity attribute info Distribution info Metadata info Identification Info Constraint info Service info Data Quality info Maintenance info Spatial Representation info Reference system info Content info Portrayal Catalogue info Distribution info Application Schema info FGDCNAP
Differences between FGDC – ISO – NAP FGDC Primarily mandatory elements Mandatory if Applicable No language identification requirements Outdated elements US oriented reference systems Heavy use of free text ISO Minimum mandatory Unambiguous conditional statements Core metadata International focus Code lists NAP Moderate increase in mandatory elements Best practices Includes service metadata (ISO 19119) Increased use of code lists
Comparison of mandatory elements FGDC Metadata Reference info Date Contact Metadata Standard name Metadata Standard version * Identification Information Citation Description Abstract Purpose * Status Maintenance frequency * Progress Time Period of Content * Date Currentness reference * Spatial Domain Bounding Box Keywords * Theme Keywords Access Constraints * Use Constraints * NAP Metadata info dateStamp Contact Metadata Standard name File Identifier * Language (metadata) * Character set * Parent Identifier (C) * HierarchyLevel (default = dataset) * Locale (C) * (if multiple languages used) Identification information Citation Abstract Status (with codelist) Language * Topic Category * Extent (C) * Bounding box Or Geographic Description * * Difference FGDC vs NAP
Comparison of mandatory elements (cont) Citation Title Publication date Originator Edition (MifA) Presentation form (MifA) Series (MifA) Publication info (MifA) Place Publisher Other details (MifA) Larger work citation (MifA) Citation Title Date Date type Responsible Party Individual, organization, and/or position name Contact information role FGDCNAP
FGDC Entity–Attribute and NAP Content Info Feature Catalog Entity_and_Attribute_Infor mation = [1{Detailed_Description}n | 1{Overview_Description}n | 1{Detailed_Description}n + 1{Overview_Description}n] Detailed_Description = Entity_Type + 0{Attribute}n Entity_Type = Entity_Type_Label + Entity_Type_Definition + Entity_Type_Definition_Source Attribute = Attribute_Label + Attribute_Definition + Attribute_Definition_Source + 1{Attribute_Domain_Values}n + 0{Beginning_Date_of_Attribute_Valu es + 0{Ending_Date_of_Attribute_Values} 1}n + (Attribute_Value_Accuracy_Informati on) + (Attribute_Measurement_Frequency) Content Information Feature Catalogue Description Compliance code Language IncludeWithDataset (M) FeatureTypes (M) Feature Catalogue Citation (M) NAPFGDC ISO Compliant Feature/Attribute Catalog Coverage Description Attribute description Content type code...
ISO Metadata standards ISO 19115:2003 Metadata - revision (ISO ) (in work) ISO standards are reviewed every 5 years – vote to revise Changes not major Target 2013 ISO :2009 Extensions for imagery and gridded data (complete) ISO Metadata - XML schema for imagery and gridded data (in work) DTS released vote due ISO 19139:2007 Metadata XML Schema (complete ) Revision pending following completion ISO 19110:2005 Feature Catalogue Amendment 1 Just published by ISO - XML Schema FC encoding ISO Revision (in work) First PT meeting ISO Data quality (incorporating 19113/19114/19138) (in work) UML model for Quality DIS approved
What’s new in ISO Concept of “recommended core” was removed Incorporating services metadata from ISO Data Quality moving to ISO Feature catalog information (entity/attribute metadata) enabled (physically or by link) Responsible party restructured to enable reuse for different roles Many new elements added/improved - examples: metadata identifier improved, MD_Scope and MD_KeywordClass classes added, online linkage in Citation, Reference system type code attribute added,..., 74)
ISO FC/EA information 12 OnlineResource reference to the cited resource now included in Citation The feature catalogue
Schedule ISO EC revised document sent out for review Vote in Pretoria Draft International Standard Final Draft International Standard International Standard ISO Data Quality DIS FDIS IS ISO/TS 19XXX XML schema implementation of ISO A New Work Item Proposal has been sent to ISO TC 211 to starting work as soon as possible so that we have a schema when ISO final 13
NAP ISO and NAP ISO Metadata Remains stable as is; Once ISO revision has reached DIS, work will start to create NAP ISO NAP ISO Feature Catalog Work is on hold until work on NAP is started