Test Automation For Web-Based Applications Portnov Computer School Presenter: Ellie Skobel
2 Day 8 Testing the Mobile Web with Selenium
Emulator Real device (tethered to workstation) Real device in a real location on a real network
Setup Environment: ◦ Download Android SDK ◦ Unpack ◦ Update ◦ Create Android virtual device (AVD) ◦ Start Emulator ◦ Install Selenium APK Run the automated test ◦ Script or record using IDE ◦ Debug and convert to webdriver API ◦ Launch App ◦ Run the test
Note: On Linux, android SDK is distributed for 32-bits machine. If you have a 64-bit machine you will need to install ia32-libs
Install SDK to the default location Note: if your sdk is installed in a different folder, edit./properties.yml to reflect that location From command prompt ◦ $ cd ~/android_sdk/tools ◦ $./android update sdk
./android create avd \ -n my_android \ -t 8 \ -c 100M -n = name for the device -t = version and model -c = virtual SD capacity Also: ◦ -h --help Help on a specific command. ◦ list Lists existing targets or virtual devices.
In the tools folder double click “android.bat” Click New… button Enter information Click Create AVD
emulator -avd my_android & Suggested options to speed up the boot process:./emulator -avd my_android \ -no-audio \ -no-boot-anim \ -scale.4
Download android-server.apk from: st Place it into easy to access location From command prompt: cd ~/android_sdk/platform-tools/./adb -e install \ -r path_to_apk/android-server.apk
Set up port forwarding./adb forward tcp:8080 tcp:8080 Start the App from command line: adb -s shell am start -n \ org.openqa.selenium.android.app/ org.openqa.selenium.android.app.MainActivity
In the tools folder double click “android.bat” Click the desired AVD name and … Click Start…
Set up port forwarding./adb forward tcp:8080 tcp:8080 Click Apps icon Click My Apps Select WebDriver
Script a test or record a test using IDE Debug and/or convert to WebDriver API Set the correct driver: ◦ driver = new AndroidDriver();
Connect the Android device using a cable to the work station Make sure all the required drivers are installed From command prompt: ◦ adb devices - This will give you the serial Id of your connected device. Install the App ◦ adb -s -e install -r android-server.apk Setup port forwarding ◦ adb -s forward tcp:8080 tcp:8080 Run the automated test