BCC Work Session Food Trucks Zoning Division April 22, 2014
Background February BCC directed staff to review status of Food Truck regulations, and report back. Portable Food Vendors first addressed in 2004 Small vendors (e.g. hot dog carts) permitted in C-1 under canopy/roof line Larger trailers/trucks in C-1 by Special Exception and by-right in C-2, C-3, Industrial
Current Regulation Overview Food trucks are allowed under the portable food vendor regulations. Per Section 38-79(87), the following apply: No overnight stay Not allowed in right-of-way and setback 10’ No signage Not allowed in parking or drive isles Not allowed on vacant property
Concerns/Issues Staff looking into following concerns: Overnight stay/hours of operation Sign requirements Multiple food trucks Outdoor entertainment
Other Jurisdiction City of Orlando Permitted one (1) day per week Special Event Zones (e.g. Regional Shopping Center) Permanent Food Truck Locations – only allowed in intensive commercial district
Potential Amendments Limit hours of operation to 7am – Midnight No outdoor seating No overnight stay, unless outside of public view and allowed per zoning district Only allow signage on vendor vehicle Special exception for multiple vendors Limited days per week
Next Steps Prepare draft amendments Stakeholders LPA Work session / Public Hearing Two (2) BCC hearings
BCC Work Session Food Trucks Zoning Division April 22, 2014