Compliance # e-Worksite Solutions sm Strategic Alliance Program For Members Presented to you by: Eddie Graves The Diversity Financial Group
Compliance # Page 2 e-Worksite Solutions SM t A turn-key program, that enables you to easily and seamlessly provide solutions to your employees’ supplemental disability income insurance needs through a number of services and capabilities including an online needs analysis and application tool.
Compliance # Page 3 e-Worksite Solutions SM t Advanced Customer Support –In conjunction with your representative, an experienced Case Manager from MassMutual will oversee all aspects of your account including: n Case Set-up n Logistical Strategies n Communications Strategies n Tracking n Billing n On-going Employee Support
Compliance # Page 4 e-Worksite Solutions SM t Logistical Strategies –In conjunction with the producer, your case manager will develop a logistical strategy that may include: n Individual Meetings n Group Meetings (in person or online) n Employee Self-directed with supporting communications n Combination of the above
Compliance # Page 5 e-Worksite Solutions SM t Communication Strategies –A communication strategy, customized to your company, will also be developed. Communications may consist of: n Communications n Endorsement letter from the company n Hard copy communications – flyers, payroll stuffers, tabletents n Pro-active call bank –Strategy is also designed to work with the performance of the case with specific s based on employee experience. –It is critical that the strategy should align with the regular communication practices of your company. –Ultimate goal of the communications strategy is to ensure all eligible employees have the opportunity to review and understand the coverage opportunity. This is in the best interest of the company.
Compliance # Page 6 e-Worksite Solutions SM t Sample Communications Strategy
Compliance # Page 7 e-Worksite Solutions SM t Tracking –Detailed tracking reports are provided on a daily basis that include: n Who has logged in to the site n Who has not logged in to the site n Who has applied for coverage n Who has declined coverage –Tracking reports in combination with a flexible communications strategy, allow us to pro-actively manage your account.
Compliance # Page 8 e-Worksite Solutions SM t Sample Tracking Reports
Compliance # Page 9 e-Worksite Solutions SM t Billing –MassMutual * provides a number of flexible billing options including: n Electronic billing n Electronic payroll deduction n Electronic fund transfer n “One-touch-and-done” billing and collection services (Schedule and make changes to payments online) n Flexible payment methods for employees *Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance Company
Compliance # Page 10 e-Worksite Solutions SM t On-going Employee Support –Throughout the application period, employees are furnished with a toll-free number that will allow us to directly address their questions, comments, or concerns –At any time, employees can choose to speak with a representative or, elect to apply using the traditional paper process if they are more comfortable.
Compliance # Page 11 e-Worksite Solutions SM t A State-of-the-Art Internet Site –Allows employees to explore options in a private, convenient setting –Customizable components for your company. –Provides interactive tools (Need Calculator and Savings Evaluator) that empower your employees to determine their specific needs –Using our electronic application and e-signature capabilities, employees can apply online -- in a matter of minutes, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. You can request for a demo
Compliance # e-Worksite Solutions sm