Visual Communication 6.0 Visual Communication
Why we need visual communication? In order to best represent any form of messages to enhance a good presentation and increase its effectiveness
Effectiveness of Visual Aids Creating awareness Encouraging interest Retaining involvement Achieving instant results Describing an entire proposal through image presentation Creating a memorable effect Complementing the spoken word Reinforcing corporate identity
Reminders Use audio-visuals and visual aids only if it complements your presentation Determine the suitability of chosen audio- visual How? Know the range of audio visuals, their advantages and disadvantages How to design audio-visuals Maximizing the usage of audio-visuals
What are A-V aids? Items which use pictures/visual images in support of an oral presentation and could also include the insertion of audio aids to add impact or enhance the presentation
Criteria when using a-v aids Language and images chose reflect nature of presentation Use of appropriate images and music Seating arrangements and layouts designed personally to ensure audience can hear/see Sufficient technical back-up Use sound effect carefully( do not upset audience) Opt for simplicity and clarity Make references to visuals Don’t block visuals and use a-v in low attention periods Rehearse Don’t turn your back to operate a-v
Types of audio-visual aids Flip charts Tape recordings Flip chart Prepared flip chart Overhead projector Projector Video Whiteboard Physical object
Prepared Flip Chart Useful in internal presentations including interview presentations Too small for large audience Should be clearly written Useful for cartoon like-illustrations Use of non-smudge pens to maintain neatness
Flip Chart Useful in seminar type presentations Sufficient paper essential Use of non-smudge, bright-colored working felt-tip pens Refer to previous sheets
Whiteboard Best equipment to teach Information has to be constantly erased due to lack of space Handwriting should be clear Useful only in small training sessions
Overhead projectors Transparencies should be prepared in advance Can be hand-written( if writing is clear) or photo-copied Should be in order Ensure slides fit projector, right shape Ensure projector functions well
Projector Ensure device works well Prepare slides in advance Use of hand-held remote control
Physical Objects Should be visible and relevant Can attract audience attention If using samples, ensures the items are sufficient
Tape recordings Best for music rather than speech in classroom setting Check audio adequate amplification Participation essential a-v cannot stand alone
Video Well-presented video is a presentation stand- alone Should be short and relevant Ensure equipment functions well Same thing applies to use of films Invite comments, participation essential
Why use a-v? Illustrate point/concept being introduced Reveal product/image rather than describe Engage/retain audience interest Add variety to presentation Ensure purpose for presentation coincides with use of a-v
Use of words as visual Summarize and highlight such words Text should be clear, large and straight Spelling should be accurate Lower and upper cases should be used carefully Clear margin around the edge of display and sufficient white space
Important Reminder “The use of a-v is nothing without the speaker” Physical surroundings in which presentation takes place can have dramatic effect in terms of lighting, décor and seating &layout