LONG TERM GOAL “Begin with the end in mind.” – Steven Covey Introducing & adopting 21 st century approaches in teaching “Numbers” to make a strong foundation and learning process more effective and comprehensive for the pupil; so that they can meet the upcoming challanges related to the subject of numbers in future. The ultimate goal is to encourage students to develop a love for subject “Numbers”.
SHORT TERM GOAL If you don't know where you are going, you will probably end up somewhere else. Lawrence J. Peter The short term aim would be to Enable children to recognize and identify the numbers. Relate numbers to its quantities. Enable them to write the numbers independently according to the age level.
To make them aware of the sign of addition. Change my questioning strategies with students to promote critical thinking. Encourage collaboration among students. Use of montisory material and A.V aids to develop the interest of the children towards the subject.
TIME LINE (month wise) “If you control your time, you control your life.” – Alan Lakein September October NovemberDecember Introduction and reinforcement of previously tought concepts successfully adopt 21 st century teaching approached in my classroom will work on creating collaborative groups. Enable them to write and recognize the numbers and solve addition sums independently according to the age level.
INSTRUCTIONAL STRATEGIES AND TASK I will provide more opportunities for students to answer questions that require higher-order thinking. I will provide concreate material to slove the problem individually. I will provide students with time for group discussion. I will give them incentives to develop their interest in order to show quick response. I will divide the class into groups to increase the spirit of healthy competition.
SOLUTIONS AND ANTICIPATED CHALLENGE “Kids are much more tech savvy than many adults anyway. The challenge is how do we narrow the gap between the two.” Ken Trump Challenges Solutions Students disliking of the subject. Less concentraton span. Few students might need more time span to solve a problem. I will develop their interest through montissori material and activity based learing. I will involve them in intresting study based games and give them some task. I will encourage them to finish the given task on time.
There may be some students who do not want to work together. I will randomly group students to encourage collaboration with all class members. Challenges
RESOURCES Other teachers who teach my same grade and subject. Montessori material. Audio/visiual aids. Internet. Word processing and multimedia. Intel® Teach Program Getting Started Course manual.
CONCLUTION By implementing my newly acquired 21 st century teaching approaches, students will be able to create not just consume. They will be able to learn and not just remember. They will gain a better knowledge of Mathematics and would be prapared not just for tomorrow but will be prepared for life.