Background ■The complete snapshots are publicly available in the April 2015 Convocation materials at ■Methodology reviewed in 2013 ■Response rate for each question - above 77% ■The following charts are based on rounded percentages
Ontario population and representation of lawyers and paralegals
■The number of lawyers self-reporting disability is anomalistically low and further sampling over time may have to be conducted
Lawyers - by age
Lawyers – Aboriginal and racialized by age
Lawyers - Aboriginal and racialized by age ■The proportion of racialized lawyers continues to increase ■For example, the proportion of South Asian, Chinese and West Asian lawyers was at 4.4, 2.4 and 0.3 percent respectively for the age group 45 to 54, while it was at 9.3, 5.2 and 2.5 percent respectively for the age group under 35 ■However, the proportion of Aboriginal and Black lawyers in the 25 to 54 age groups is stable and suggests that their proportion entering the profession is not increasing
Lawyers – Aboriginal and racialized by year of call
Lawyers – type of employment
Lawyers – size of firms
Lawyers – by region
Paralegals – type of employment
Paralegals - region