Target Market: People who want a healthier lifestyle, without the competitiveness and fear of going to a gym. Goals of FlabUless Gym: For you to become a healthier YOU, whatever that is! Positioning Statement: “We don’t care who you are, we want your FLAB and ALL!” a safe, less competitive atmosphere to become healthier Have multiple group/class activities to suit your healthy lifestyle goals Group fitness classes Child care On location workout supervisor to answer questions about how to use machines/facility Clean facilities “Come as you are” policy – you don’t have to be fit to join! To maintain a healthy lifestyle outside of the gym Subway Nutrition classes
Raising Awareness AND gETtinG youR aTTentION! Lifestyle Marketing Guerrilla Marketing Influencing Behavior Incentives and Loyal Marketing Social Marketing
Lifestyles the gym is targeting: People who want to work out in a less competitive atmosphere. People who may have never worked out before People who are interested in a healthier lifestyle Someone who may only work out at home right now, because they don’t feel they are “in-shape to work out at a gym”. Someone who doesn’t want to be judged while working out. FlabUless Gym offers a place for ALL types of persons to workout.
Grabbing the viewers attention: By having a relatable “character” in the commercial- it gives a comical, but relatable figure for the viewer. Humor helps break the ice for people We’ve all been there before- in a situation we haven’t been comfortable in before. FlabUless Gym will help you get past these things and help make your gym experience more enjoyable!
Subway “One free Subway sandwich a week, for 1 YEAR!” *with purchase of full year club membership By having a business such as Subway as an incentive, viewers will be more likely to purchase a full year subscription in order to receive the special. First visit is free!
FlabUless Gym is encouraging viewers to change their behavior to be more active, by making it more comfortable for them to join a gym. FlabUless Gym is helping improve the overall individuals health and emotional well-being, which will effect other aspects in life. By joining FlabUless Gym, you are able to be who you are. If you want to build friendships, you can participate in group activities or simply workout alone. This gym allows you to find your place.
R: Rational You can receive a good deal with membership Personal approach Non-challenging atmosphere I: Inquisitive Provide an atmosphere for everyone, not competitive Commercial provides the practical information needed. D: Decisive The commercial provides a gratification of results approach Active E: Expressive Provides social activities Enthusiastic commercial