All about polar bears By: Lizzie G.
Title slide 1. Dinner Time slide 3. Watch out, Incoming! Slide 4. Is that a Polar Bear or a giant puffball? Slide 5. A polar bears adaptions slide 6. Facts you might want to know slide 7. What do these polar bears look like? Slide 8. Photo Gallery slide 9.
Hi, my name is Lizzie and I'm your Detroit Zoo tour guide. I'm delighted to teach you about polar bears. This habitat is very much like the polar bear's natural habitat with water, caves and land elements. It is one of our newest, most advanced, state-of-the art exhibitions. We are going to start the tour now and I'll take your questions after we have finished.
Polar bears prefer to eat ringed seals but guess what they don’t have markets or menus so you get what you get. Polar bears also eat seals, walruses, whales, sea birds and their eggs. Did you know a Russian scientist Nikita Ovsyanikov has seen 100 polar bears around a gray whale carcass and 14 around a walrus carcass. Also get this, a polar bear will share their food with other polar bears only if they beg right. To beg right they have to touch noses. We will most likely not want to eat dinner with them.
The only predators the polar bears have are Arctic foxes and Humans. As gross as it sounds humans do eat them. If humans didn't eat them there would probably be more of them. Are you with me? Let’s not eat polar bears!
Yes it’s true polar bears are one of the few all white animals. Sometimes I think they are giant puffballs. But when I went near it I saw so if you see a giant puffball RUN! A polar bear is a big, white, furry animal, they are one of the few all white animals. This is essential to it's survival. O.K unless we want to end up living with a polar bear we should probably get going! Why, because their after us!
Polar bears need small ears, thick fur, a layer of fat under their skin, and the camouflage their white color provides. Their small ears help to reduce heat loss. Also their thick fur and the layer of fat under their skin conserve body heat. Lastly, their coloring makes them less visible to seals so that they can sneak up and get them. These are some adaptations the polar bear has made to its' environment. The Ears Fur
Polar bear babies are the size of a rat and weigh a little more than a pound. A polar bears paddles with his front feet and steer with their back feet. They are known to swim 100 miles a stretch. They also build up a layer of blubber in the summer and then can use it as energy in the winter when less food is available. These are some interesting facts about polar bears.
Polar bear's live in the Arctic, Canada, and Alaska. The Arctic is cold, windy, and mostly a snowy biome found in the north pole . Animals that live in the Arctic are adapted to very hard core weather conditions. Polar bears live in arctic sea ice, water, islands, and conditional coastlines. The arctic ocean is the smallest ocean, it is 5, 400, 00 square miles. These places are extremely cold. If you ever decide to go on a polar bear watching trip, I suggest dressing warm.
Now that we have finished the tour I would like to know if you have any questions. No, well I hope you have enjoyed yourself. I am sorry to rush off, but my next group is waiting. To get back to the beginning of the zoo just take the train back and make a left as you exit it. Have a nice day!