Polar Bears By Mrs. Magdos’ First Grade Class 2006
A polar bears habitat is the Arctic. Polar bears make a den and have their babies in the winter. Polar bears also live along the coasts in the Arctic.
Polar bears are omnivores. If they can’t find animals they eat mushrooms. They eat meat and shrimp.
The polar bears cubs are the size of a rat at birth. The mother guards them from danger.
When baby polar bears are 2 years old they are almost adults. Baby polar bears are the size of guinea pigs at birth.
After 3 years baby polar bears are grownups. When they are born they are deaf and blind and they have no hair.
Polar bears live in the Artic. They eat fish.
Polar bears habitats help them to blend into the snow. Some polar bears live in Alaska. Polar bears live in the north part of the world.
A male polar bear weighs as much as this whole class. In 3 years cubs are adults. Cubs leave their family at 2 years old.
Polar bears fur can look green because plants grow on their fur. And the polar bears live in the Artic.
The mom is 4 feet long. The mom has two boy cubs or two girl cubs. The mom hunts for food for the babies.
Polar bears live in the Arctic. Polar bears eat fish.
The male weighs 1400 pounds. They get green fur because they have plants growing on it. They have sharp teeth.
They eat fish. Sometimes they eat shrimp. They are omnivores.
Polar bears are omnivores. They are omnivores because they eat animals and plants. They eat beached whales, ringed seals and musk oxen.
They have twins. They are warm blooded. They swim good.
When you shave the fur off the polar bear you will see black skin. Their claws are sharp. Polar bears are good swimmers.
Polar bears are born alive. Polar bears usually don’t have 1 or three babies. In December or January the cubs are born.
When polar bear cubs are 2 years old they leave their mother. The mom polar bear sometimes has twins. All polar bears are mammals.
Polar bears live where there is ice and snow. They live away from penguins.
Polar bears eat meat and plants. Polar bears eat seaweed. Polar bears eat berries.
The End