Technology for People Vienna University of Technology at a Glance History | Alumni | Research Teaching | Mobility | Organisation | Location Beyond Technology | Facts & Figures
Overview History Alumni Research Focus Points Cooperations Infrastructure EU Framework Programme Third Party Funds Development Awards & Grants Studies Bachelor Programmes Master Programmes Teacher Trainings Doctoral Programmes First Admissions 2 Mobility Organisation Management Faculties/Institutes Location Beyond Technology Facts & Figures
History 1815:Founded as „k. k. polytechnisches Institut" 1865:First reform restructuring, implementation of faculties, concentration on technological disciplines) 1872: Renamed to „k. k. Technische Hochschule" (TH) new organisational statute (lasts until 1945) 1902: First doctorates awarded 1919:Admission for women 1975: Renamed to „Technische Universität" (TU) 1999: Implementation of University Act ´ : Autonomy through University Act ´ : Decision to remain at the current city location 2011: First female Rector 3
Alumni 1/2 Richard Zsigmondy Nobel laureate Chemistry Franz Viehböck (astronaut) Electrical Engineering Luis Trenker (alpinist) Architecture Gebrüder Strauss (composers) Josef – Civil Engineering Johann – Business Administration Rudolph Steiner (antroposopher) Teacher training: Mathematics and Science Christian Doppler (Doppler-Effect) Physics, Mathematics 4
Alumni 2/2 Herbert Boeckl (painter) Architecture Viktor Kaplan (Kaplan-Turbine) Mechanical Engineering Boris Nemsic (manager) Electrical Engineering Fritz Lang (film director) Civil Engineering Susanna Zapreva (manager) Electrical Engineering Ingeborg Hochmair-Desoyer (researcher) Electrical Engineering 5
Research Five Research Focus Points: Computational Science and Engineering Quantum Physics and Quantum Technologies Materials and Matter Information and Communication Technology Energy and Environment 6
Research Cooperation | Overview On campus Cooperation & research centres connecting faculties TU doctoral programmes With Austrian universities TU Austria (Graz University of Technology, University of Leoben) Vienna Scientific Cluster (University of Vienna, University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, University of Innsbruck, Graz University of Technology, University of Leoben, Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt) Bi- und multilateral Christian Doppler-Labors FWF doctoral programmes National research networks of the FWF Special research fields of the FWF COMET programmes of the FFG Economy 7 FWF = Austrian Science Fund; FFG = Austrian Research Promotion Agency
Research Cooperation | Christian Doppler Labors 1/2 Anthropogenic Resources Application Oriented Coating Developement Early stages of precipitation Ferroic materials Interfaces in Metal-Supported Electrochemical Energy Converters Mechanistic and physiological Methods for more productive Bioprocesses Model based calibration methods 8
Research Cooperation | Christian Doppler Labors 2/2 Modellbasierte Prozessregelung in der Stahlindustrie Photopolymers in digital and reconstructive Dentistry Reliability issues in microelectronics Software engineering integration for flexible automation systems Thermoelektrizität Wireless technologies for sustainable mobility Zukünftige magnetische Sensoren und Materialien 9
Research Cooperation | Doctoral Programmes 1/2 TU Vienna: Catalysis Materials and Technology Vienna Graduate School on Computational Materials Science Adaptive Distributed Systems Environmental Informatics 10 MEIBio Molecular and Elemental Imaging in Bioscience EWARD Energiebewusste Stadt- und Regionalentwicklung URBEM Urbanes Energie- und Mobilitätssystem CPPS (Cyber-Physical Production Systems)
Research Cooperation | Doctoral Programmes 2/2 FWF: Complex Quantum Systems Dissipation und Dispersion in Differentialgleichungen Solid Fun - Funktionelle Festkörper Wasserwirtschaftliche Systeme Particles and Interactions NanoCell - Nano-Analytics of Cellular Systems Logische Methoden in der Informatik Specials: Vienna PhD School of Informatics WIT - Women in Technology 11
Research Cooperation | National Research Networks (NFN) sponsored by the FWF: Analytic Combinatorics and Probabilistic Number Theory Industrial Geometry High Performance Bulk Nanostructured Materials Nanoscience on Surfaces Rigorous Systems Engineering Signal and Information Processing in Science and Engineering (sub-project with the Telecommunications Research Center Vienna ) 12
Research Cooperation | Special Research Areas (SFB) sponsored by the FWF: Algorithmische und enumerative Kombinatorik FoQuS - Foundations and Applications of Quantum Science FOXSI - Functional Oxide Surfaces and Interfaces IR-ON – Nanostructures for Infrared Photonics Next Lite - Next Generation Light Synthesis and Interaction Transmembrane transporters in health and disease ViCoM - Vienna Computational Materials Laboratory Quasi Monte Carlo Methods Theory and Applications 13
Research K2-Centres: ACIB - Austrian Center of Industrial Biotechnology K2-Mobility - K2-Mobility SVT sustainable vehicle technologies MPPE - Integrated Research in Materials, Processing and Product Engineering XTribology - Excellence Center of Tribology K1-Centres: ACMIT - Austrian Center for Medical Innovation and Technology Bioenergy CEST Centre of Excellence in Electrochemical Surface Technoloy and Materials CTR - Carinthian Tech Research - Competence Center for Advanced Sensor Technologies FTW - Competence Center for Information and Communication Technologies K1-MET - Competence Center for Excellent Technologies in Advanced Metallurgical and Environmental Process Development PCCL-K1 - Competence Center in Polymer Engineering and Science SBA 2 - Secure Business Austria 2 RCPE - Research Center Pharmaceutical Engineering GmbH VRVis - Visualization, Rendering and Visual Analysis Research Center Wood COMET – Centre of Excellence for Wood Composite Materials and Wood Chemstry 14 Cooperation | COMET Programmes 1/2
Research 15 K-Projects: AAHM R2P - Alpine Airborne Hydromapping AdvAluE - Advanced Aluminium Applications within ECO Transport FFT - Future Farm Technology GSG - Green Storage Grid HFA-TiMBER - Timber in Material, Building and Environmental Research JOIN4+ - Network of Excellence for Joining Technologies JOIN 4+ Micromat - Reliability and Lifetime of Material Interconnects in Electronics MPPF - Multifunctional Plug & Play Facade PAC - Process Analytical Chemistry - Data Acquisition and Data Processing PolyComp - Functional Polymer Composites ProDSS - Integrated Decision Support Systems for Industrial Processes Softnet II - Competence Network in Next Generation Software Engineering ZPT - K-Project non-destructive Testing and Tomography Cooperation | COMET Programmes
Research Infrastructure NMR-Spectroscopy Center X-ray Center Analytical Instrumentation Center Low Temperature Facilities TRIGA Mark-II (Reactor) USTEM (Center for Electron Microscopy) VSC - Vienna Scientific Cluster, High Performance Computing ZMNS (Center for Micro- and Nanostructures) 16
Research 17 EU Framework Programme
Research 18 Third Party Funds Development Source: Intellectual Capital Report 2005 – 2013, Controlling
Research Awards & Grants 1/2 Winners of the Wittgenstein-Award 1997: Erich Gornik – Semiconductor nanoelectronics 1998: Georg Gottlob – Information systems and artificial intelligence 1998: Walter Schachermayer – Stochastic processes in actuarial mathematics 2002: Ferenc Krausz – Quantum optics: ultra fast processes, strong field phenomena 2006: Jörg Schmiedmayer – Atomic physics, quantum optics, miniaturisation / chip technology 2013: Ulrike Diebold - Applied Physics, Oxide Surfaces 19
Research Awards & Grants 2/2 ERC-Grants 20 Christian Hellmich, MICROBONE – Multiscale poro-micromechanics of bone materials, with links to biology and medicine Arno Rauschenbeutel, Nanofiber Quantum Networks Jörg Schmiedmayer, Non-equilibrium Dynamics and Relaxation in Many Body Quantum Systems (Acronym: QuantumRelax) Thorsten Schumm, Nuclear Atomic Clock Franz Schuster, Isoperimetric Inequality Siegfried Selberherr, Modeling Silicon Spintronics Stefan Szeider, The Parameterized Complexity of Reasoning Problems Andrius Baltuska, Cycle-Sculpted Strong Field Optics Günter Blöschl, Deciphering River Flood Change Silke Bühler-Paschen, Quantum Criticality – The Puzzle of Multiple Energy Scales (Quantum Puzzle) Ulrike Diebold, Oxide Surfaces – Microscopic Processes and Phenomena at Oxide Surfaces and Interfaces Georg Gottlob, Domain-centric Intelligent Automated Data Extraction Methodology Karsten Held, Ab initio Dynamical Vertex Approximation Aleksandr Ovsianikov, Bio- Materialforschung
Teaching 21 Teaching at TU Vienna The education offered by the TU Vienna is rewarded by high international and domestic recognition. The chances for graduates for getting an attractive employment are very prosperous. The high demand for graduates of the TU Vienna from economy and industry, governmental as well as research institutions are manifest evidence for this. Wide Range of Studies The TU Vienna offers 18 bachelor-, 31 master- and 3 doctoral programmes. Since October 1, 2006, the study programmes have been taught as bachelor and master programmes, according to the Bologna process.
Teaching Architecture Architecture ( ) Civil Engineering Civil Engineering and Management of Infrastructure ( ) Electrical Engineering and Information Technology Electrical Engineering and Information Technology ( ) Computer Sciences Media Informatics and Visual Computing ( ) Medical Informatics ( ) Software & Information Engineering ( ) Computer Engineering ( ) Mechanical Engineering Mechanical Engineering ( ) Regional Planning and Development Regional Planning and Development ( ) Technical Chemistry Technical Chemistry ( ) Technical Mathematics Technical Mathematics ( ) Statistics and Mathematics in Economics ( ) Financial and Actuarial Mathematics ( ) Technical Physics Technical Physics ( ) Chemical and Process Engineering Chemical and Process Engineering ( ) Surveying and Geoinformation Geodesy and Geomatics Engineering ( ) Business Informatics Business Informatics ( ) Mechanical Engineering - Economics Mechanical Engineering - Management ( ) 22 Programm code in parentheses Studies | Bachelor Programmes
Teaching Architecture Architecture ( ) Building Science and Technology ( ) Civil Engineering Civil Engineering ( ) Electrical Engineering Energy Engineering and Automation Technology ( ) Telecommunication ( ) Microelectronics and Photonics ( ) Computer Technology ( ) Across faculties Materials Sciences ( ) Biomedical Engineering ( ) Computer Sciences Computational Intelligence ( ) Visual Computing ( ) Media Informatics ( ) Medical Informatics ( ) Software Engineering & Internet Computing ( ) Computer Engineering ( ) Didactic for Informatics (E ) European Masters Program in Computational Logic ( ) Materials Sciences Materials Sciences ( ) Regional Planning Regional Planning and Development ( ) 23 Studies | Master Programmes 1/2 Programm code in parentheses
Teaching Chemical and Process Engineering Chemical and Process Engineering ( ) Technical Chemistry Technical Chemistry ( ) Chemistry and Technology of Materials ( ) Technical Mathematics Technical Mathematics ( ) Statistics & Mathematics in Economics ( ) Financial and Actuarial Mathematics ( ) Technical Physics Physical Energy and Measurement Engineering ( ) Technical Physics ( ) Surveying and Geoinformation Geodesy and Geomatics Engineering ( ) International Programm Cartography ( ) Business Informatics Business Informatics ( ) Mechanical Engineering Mechanical Engineering ( ) Mechanical Engineering - Economics Mechanical Engineering – Management ( ) 24 Studies | Master Programmes 2/2 Programm code in parentheses
Teaching After finishing a master programme (or a similar degree) there is the possibility of a doctoral programme: Doctoral Programme in Technical Sciences („Dr. techn.“) Doctoral Programme in Natural Sciences („Dr. rer.nat.“) Doctoral Programme in Social and Economic Sciences („Dr. rer.soc.oec.“) 25 Studies | Doctoral Programmes
Teaching Programmeabsolute Architecture5,893 Civil Engineering2,215 Electrical Engineering and Information Technology 2,578 Informatics5,740 Mechanical Engineering2,022 Regional Planning and Development1,143 Technical Chemistry1,391 Students 1/2 26 Winter term 2013/14, source: Knowledge Balance Sheets 2013
Teaching 27 Programmeabsolute Technical Mathematics1.448 Technical Physics1.805 Technical Chemistry1.391 Surveying and Geoinformation386 Business Informatics1.103 Mechanical Engineering - Economics Winter term 2013/14, source: Knowledge Balance Sheets 2013 Students 2/2
Mobility 28 Membership in international associations: EUA (European University Association) SEFI (European Society for Engineering Education) CESAER (Conference of European Schools for Advanced Engineering Education) IACEE (International Association for Continuing Engineering Education) TIME (Top Industrial Managers for Europe) GE4 (Global Education for European Engineers and Entrepreneurs) International cooperations and mobility Partner universities The TU Vienna has bilateral agreements with more than 80 universities around the world. Membership in academic networks: ASEA-Uninet (Southeast Asia) Eurasia-Pacific Uninet (China, Central Asia, Russia) ATHENS (Advanced Technology Higher Education Network) 4 x TU (TU Bratislava, TU Budapest, TU Prag, TU Vienna) Technical Universities of European Capitals
Mobility 29 Membership in international subject- specific academic networks: EUPEN (European Physics Education Network) ECTN (European Chemistry Thematic Network) LE:NOTRE (Thematic Network in Landscape Architecture) Mobility and scholarship programmes: ERASMUS (Mobility of students and teaching staff: EEA-countries, 250 bilateral agreements ) ERASMUS Mundus (Mobility of students, graduate students, teaching staff: Russia) Joint Study (Mobility of students: USA, CAN, Australia, Latin America, Russia, Southeast Asia) CEEPUS (Mobility of students and teaching staff: East and Southeast Europe) International Study Programmes: European Masters Programme in Computational Logic (Erasmus Mundus) Double-, Joint-Degrees: Ecoles Centrales, INSA Lyon, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Politecnico di Milano, UACG Sofia, Tongji University, Shanghai Master Programmes taught in English: Biomedical Engineering, Building Science and Technology TUW-Summer University
Organisation Management 1/2 The University is led by the Rector and four Vice Rectors responsible for Research, Academic Affairs, Finance as well as HR and Gender : 30 from left to right: Adalbert Prechtl (Vice Rector for Academic Affairs), Sabine Seidler (Rector), Johannes Fröhlich (Vice Rector for Research), Anna Steiger (Vice Rector for Human Resources and Gender, Paul Jankowitsch (Vice Rector for Finance)
Organisation Management 2/2 The Senate is the supreme collegial board, which consists of 26 members – professors, representatives of the mid-level faculty, non-scientific staff and students. The University Council consists of seven members from economy and science. It acts as a supervisory board: Dr. Dr.h.c. Veit SORGER (Chairman) Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Sabine HERLITSCHKA, MBA Prof. Dr. Dr.h.c. Manfred BROY Senatorin h.c.mult. Mag. Monika FEHRER Em.O.Univ.Prof. Dr.phil. Peter SCHUSTER Mag. Herbert TUMPEL Dr. Gabriele ZUNA-KRATKY 31
Organisation Faculties Architecture and Planning Civil Engineering Electrical Engineering and Information Technology Informatics Mechanical and Industrial Engineering Mathematics and Geoinformation Physics Technical Chemistry 32
Location 33
Beyond Technology TU Orchester Since1984, international concert tours. TU Ball Vienna‘s oldest ball (originally called "Technikerkränzchen" in 1815) takes place in Vienna Hofburg, every last Thursday in January. TU-Forum Topics with up to date, divisive content and technical background. 34 TUW Racing Team Students design and build a racing car and take part in international formula-student competitions..
Facts & Figures 1/2 Finances* 315 Mio. €turnover 231 Mio. €balance sheet total Rooms > 9.000rooms 290,000 m²total area Staff** 3,279scientific staff thereof 137professors 1,255non-scientific staff 4,528total staff 35 Sources: * Balance of Accounts 2012 ** Intellectual Capital Report 2012
Facts & Figures 2/2 Library* 1,4 stocks > 3,8 Mio.Web-Server/Access to library services (virtual visits) Students** 27,923 thereof 27.2%women Alumni** 2,399first and second degrees thereof 1,188bachelor programmes thereof 757master programmes thereof 205diploma programmes thereof 249doctoral programmes 36 Sources: * Library (2013), ** Intellectual Capital Report 2013