Next steps Tasks: (1) Language Policy Division (2) member states I. Language Policy Division (LPD): Working Group (WG) – open-ended depending on needs Authoring group formed from within WG to draft framework elements WG guides project development and reviews draft framework elements before wider consultation with countries Suggests other inputs e.g. studies Helps prepare conferences
Conferences and seminars European Conferences: exploring and developing European cooperation on common priorities taking stock of developments on Framework and related activities informing on national + European developments (e.g. case studies) making proposals for future work policy recommendations convergences between languages Seminars (smaller focused events, think tanks…) - specific priorities e.g. migrant children, literature…. Strasbourg or host country
Member states Each member state to nominate an LE correspondent for LPD - 1 correspondent per national education authority Purpose: - liaison with LPD Functions: - communicating national priorities/needs + important national initiatives - identifying national expertise - national/federal consultation on framework proposals - disseminating Council of Europe developments and updates on progress - helping with LPD requests for information/documentation - representing the country at LE conferences - proposing national seminars/meetings - Language Education Policy Profiles
Completed: 7 Hungary Norway Cyprus Slovenia Luxembourg Lombardy Lithuania Language Education Policy Profiles Underway: 4 Slovak Republic Ireland Poland Austria Valle d’Aosta Planned : 2 Armenia Sheffield
First task: completion of post conference feedback form A Form containing these questions will be sent to you by after the end of this Conference. It should be returned to the Language Policy Division by 10 November. Thank you. How helpful were the background papers made available before the Conference ? Did you find the case studies/other presentations helpful in understanding the topic? To what degree did the Conference raise or address issues which are relevant to the situation in your country? Were there issues raised during the Conference which you didn’t expect? If yes, please specify../..
Feedback Form What are your national/federal priorities at this time in order of importance? How might your country be actively involved in the LE project? e.g. if a seminar, please suggest a theme/issue If you wish to suggest individuals/institutions with special expertise, please give full details of kinds of expertise/functions and contact details The Language Policy Division wishes to establish a list of correspondents for the LE project. Please indicate who should be contacted in the first instance in your country. Thank you