Putting CAEP Standards 2 & 4 into Practice Kathryn Button TechTeach Professional Development Facilitator March 5, 2015
TEXAS TECH UNIVERSITY Who Are We? 32,440 1 of 10 507 550 Lubbock Independent School District Dallas ISD Lubbock Cooper ISDFort Worth ISD Slaton ISDNortheast ISD Roosevelt ISDGrand Prairie ISD Frendship ISDNew Caney ISD Marble Falls ISD Fredericksburg ISD Partners:
TEXAS TECH UNIVERSITY Fall 2011 ~ a new beginning... NCATE/CAEP accredited since 1965 Arrival of new dean from ASU with a reform agenda College was trying something new with a new dean… our reform effort, fit with Transformational Initiative (TI)
TEXAS TECH UNIVERSITY School leaders said that they preferred to hire new teachers from other institutions because they were more “classroom ready.” Fall 2011 ~ A new beginning... Input indicators suggested quality graduates BUT
TEXAS TECH UNIVERSITY Talk with the school districts that we serve: Graduates who can: 1. Teach effectively 2. Engage/inspire the students that they teach Increase K-12 student achievement/success
TEXAS TECH UNIVERSITY OUTCOMESMEASURES 1.Teach Effectively 2.Engage/inspire K- 12 students 3.Increase student achievement TAP Rubric Student Attitudinal Measure District Achievement Data
TEXAS TECH UNIVERSITY What is TechTeach? Clinically intensive - Early placement - Full-year student teaching - Co-teaching Competency-based with TAP Focused on student achievement Dean’s two promises to partner districts
CAEP Standard Two CAEPTechTeach Program Features Clinical Partnerships and Practice Site Coordinator, a TTU faculty member, embedded in a pod of 3-5 schools within a partner district: The major professor for 20 – 27 TCs throughout blocks 1-4 for clinical on the TAP Site Coordinators select and train Mentor Teachers – co-teaching Mentor Teacher Meetings - 1 per 6 weeks Year-long student teaching in the same classroom
CAEP Standard Two CAEPTechTeach Program Features Clinical Partnerships and Practice 2X POP cycles/semester (Mentor Teacher involved) using TAP & K-12 Student Attitude Survey and Achievement Data Use of iPads & Teachscape to foster TC self-reflection in A&Es & POP cycles Video capture on Teachscape permits faculty double-scoring to ensure scoring rigor & inter-rater reliability Governance Meetings – SC, School Administrators, PDF – 1 per 6 weeks
CAEP Standard Four CAEPTechTeach Program Application of Professional Knowledge, Skills, and Dispositions Site Coordinators, research study following their TCs after graduation State of Texas New Educator Evaluation – T-TESS Teacher Evaluation & Support Rubric (1 of 4 domains – “Content Knowledge and Expertise”)
CAEP Standard Four CAEPTechTeach Program Employer Satisfaction with Completers Administrators are now fighting over our graduates “We’ll hire all that you have!” Early Contracts given in Dallas and Fort Worth ISD All 5 th grade students in classroom with TC passed STAAR Math Test TEA Principal’s Survey – 2014
CAEP Standard Four CAEPTechTeach Program P-12 Student Learning and Growth District MOU -Benchmark P-12 Test Scores -P-12 Student Attendance Goal: classrooms with TC classrooms without TC
Early Findings – TC impact on learning Presence of TC vs. School/grade average * Content
“Buckets” of Data Coursework data – Apply & Evaluate Assignments Instructional competency – Performance Assessment (PA) Data P-12 student achievement data Benchmark
TEXAS TECH UNIVERSITY Our three-year reform effort… What do TC need to be prepared for 21 st century schools? A real change in our relationships with our partner schools.