In what city and country was Shakespeare born? Shakespeare was born in Stratford-Upon- Avon, England.
Why were the people who lived during this time called the Elizabethans? The people were called the Elizabethans after Queen Elizabeth I, who was on the throne at the time.
What were the names of Shakespeare’s parents, and what did his father do for a living? Shakespeare’s parents’ names were John and Mary. John Shakespeare was a glove maker and a city council member.
What two religions were at war during this time? Who won? During this time, the Protestants and the Catholics were at war with each other. The Protestants eventually won.
What is iambic pentameter? Iambic pentameter is five sets of two syllables each in a sonnet line.
Traditionally, a sonnet is about this subject: Either love or sex
Whom did Shakespeare marry? What rule did he have to break to marry her? Why? Shakespeare married Anne Hathaway. He had to break the rules of Lent to rush the marriage because she was three months pregnant.
What was the Globe? The Globe was the theater in which Shakespeare spent most of his career.
True or False: During this time, women held the most respected positions in the theater. False: Women were not allowed on stage, and those who worked behind the scenes were considered to have a bad reputation and live an immoral life.
Each line of a sonnet contains this many syllables. Each line of a sonnet contains TEN syllables.
What were the lower classes called and where did they sit in the theater? The lower classes were called the “groundlings”, and they did not sit, but stood up front by the stage.
What unusual item did Shakespeare leave for his wife in his will? Shakespeare left his wife his second-best bed.
What is the only record we have of Shakespeare’s birth? The only record we have of Shakespeare’s birth is the baptism records of the local church.
What is an iamb? An iamb is a set of two syllables.
How did the Shakespeare family lose its financial stability? The Shakespeare family lost money when John Shakespeare kept getting fined for not attending church. Because of this many people thought he was secretly a Catholic.
How did the Elizabethans regard hygiene and health issues? People of Elizabethan times gave little or no thought to cleanliness, hygiene or other health issues. Because of this, the life expectancy was short.
What were the primary duties for both men and women? A man’s main duty was to provide for his entire household. A woman’s main duty was to provide sons so they could inherit the family fortune, land, etc.
What religious group was constantly persecuted during this time? What were people of this religion suspected of being? The Catholics were constantly persecuted during this time. Because of England’s troubles with Spain, it was thought that whomever was a Catholic was a spy for the enemy.
What are the Lost Years? The Lost Years ( ) are the years in which we have no historical record of Shakespeare’s activities. What he was doing or where he was living during this time is not known.
True or False: Everyone loved going to the theater; they thought it was the most wholesome activity during this time. False: Although the majority of people did love the theater, small groups of religious groups thought that the theater was a disgrace and offense to God.
What is so unusual about the date on which Shakespeare died? Shakespeare’s date of birth and death are the same—April 23.
How did the Elizabethans feel about fate? The Elizabethans felt the same way that the ancient Greeks did; the only change was that instead of multiple gods controlling one’s fate, now only one Christian God was doing this.
True or False: The last two lines of a sonnet are called a quatrain. False: A quatrain is four lines of a sonnet. The last two lines of a sonnet are called a couplet.
A sonnet has this many lines: A sonnet has 14 lines.
What was the common cause of death during this time? The common cause of death was disease or infection.
How did Shakespeare ensure that no one would dig up his grave years after his death? He placed a curse on his grave.