State Rail Partnerships
State Rail Partnerships Colorado DOT (CDOT) Project Coordination Ronnie Dickey CDOT Railroad Program Manager, Project Support Colorado has two Class 1 Railroads BNSF Railway Company (BNSF) Union Pacific Railroad Company (UPRR)
CDOT Partnership efforts with: BNSF June 31, 2013 CDOT/BNSF Memo of Understanding (MOU) (non-binding agreement) Assigns liaisons and commits to partnering. Defines project review process with response commitments. Commits to develop standard project agreements. Defines a Project tracking process – RR Project Tracking Spreadsheet updated monthly (next slide) State Rail Partnerships
CDOT Partnership efforts with: BNSF Established monthly call-in project status coordination meeting with BNSF liaison in Kansas City. Intend to execute a Master Agreement. (Details later) State Rail Partnerships
CDOT Partnership efforts with: UPRR CDOT intends to execute a MOU with UPRR. (similar to BNSF MOU) Meet as needed on projects with Manager of Industry & Public Projects at office located in Denver. March 1, 2012 CDOT/UPRR Master Agreement (5 year contract) with General Provisions in agreement with typical Supplements for: RR Preliminary Engineering review costs Section 130 rail highway at-grade crossing safety improvements RR flagging and protective services Currently working on Amendment to add Supplement for Force Account RR work. State Rail Partnerships
SHRP2 CDOT selected for the SHRP2 Lead Adopter Incentive for Round 2 Implementation Assistance funds ($75k) from FHWA for Railroad-DOT Mitigation Strategies (R16). CDOT will: Develop flow chart to document the CDOT-Railroad contracting process with expected timelines Develop and finalize the Master Agreement with BNSF (similar to UPRR) Develop and finalize Standard Project Agreements for: new grade separation projects grade separated bridge replacement projects at-grade crossing improvement projects signal interconnect projects State Rail Partnerships
Challenges Turn-over of personnel, both with CDOT and RRs. Need to document processes and standardize contracts. Changing processes, e.g. budgeting and authorizations, Design/Build & CMGC project delivery, SAP data entry, RR tracking programs, etc. State Rail Partnerships
Thank You! Questions? Contact information: Ronnie Dickey CDOT Railroad Program Manager Phone: (303) State Rail Partnerships