Cristina de Castro Cosmed Technical English 1st year of Nursing, EUEM
Names, general information. Offices. Medical activities. Where they work. Latest campaigns. Who they want to work with them. How to cooperate: As a worker in the field. Requirements. Nurses and their work, requirements for nurses. Frequently Asked Questions. As volunteer in their offices. By donating money. Summary Conclusions. Bibliography.
Médecins Sans Frontières. Doctors Without Borders. Médicos Sin Fronteras.
Paris, France, 1971: Biafra secession. It is an international medical humanitarian, non- governmental organization. Bernard Kouchner. In 1999, MSF received the Nobel Peace Prize.
Decisions taken by the 5 operational centres.
The International Council is located in Geneva, Switzerland, where the International Office is also based.GenevaSwitzerland Health care and medical training in 70 countries. 1994 genocide in Rwanda genocide in Rwanda
MSF has offices in 20 countries: Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, France, Germany, Greece, Holland, Hong Kong, Ireland, Japan, Korea, Luxembourg, Norway, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, the UK, and the US. INTERNATIONAL OFFICE MEDECINS SANS FRONTIERES Rue de Lausanne 78, CP Geneva 21, SWITZERLAND Tel: +41 (22) SPAIN MEDICOS SIN FRONTERAS Nou de la Rambla, Barcelona Tel:
Providing independent and impartial assistance. Neutral in armed conflicts. Medical ethics. MSF's principles of action are described in the organization's 1971 founding charter.
Providing access to medicines and fighting diverse illnesses. Cholera. HIV/AIDS. Malaria. Malnutrition. Meningitis. Mental Health. Sexual violence. Tuberculosis.
Between 2009 and 2010, MSF provided surgical care in approximately two dozen countries. Refugees and internally displaced people. Vaccination campaigns and water-and-sanitation projects, among others.
They work in a total of 70 countries. In 2010, they spent the most amount of money in: Haiti Congo Sudan Niger Pakistan Somalia Chad Zimbabwe Centroafrican Republic 334 millions Euros 60% of the MSF operational budget.
The AIDS virus is one of the main problems that threatens populations. It can be transmitted in many ways. Pregnancy. Childbirth. Breastfeeding. The PMTCT program (Prevention of Mother to Child Transmission) has managed to reduce the risk to less than 5%.
Giving a future mother some drugs while pregnant. Her children will be born without the disease. 95%. Thus, the PMTCT is now a way of trying to control the AIDS epidemic.
It’s effective, low cost, and reality.
Multimedia project, made to take the visitor on a virtual journey through: Nairobi (Kenya). Tegucigalpa. Guatemala. Dhaka. Johannesburg. Port-au-Prince. It lets the visitor discover more about daily life in those slums.
Symbol of support with MSF. Placebo mint pill sold in pharmacies around Spain. The pills have become one of the top 10 selling medicines.
Raising money for medicine needed by people in Africa and to save thousands of people in other countries.
MEDICALNON-MEDICAL Anesthesiologists/Nurse Anesthetist Epidemiologists Laboratory Scientists/Technicians Licensed Mental Health Specialists Nurse-Midwives/Certified Midwives Obstetricians/Gynecologists Operating Room Nurses Pharmacists Physicians Registered Nurses/Nurse Practitioners Specialists in Infectious Diseases, HIV/AIDS, TB Surgeons Administrators/Financial Controllers General-Administrative Logisticians Technical Logisticians. COORDINATION Experienced Field Coordinators
As a worker in the field. As a volunteer. By donating money.
STEP 1: general requirements. 2 years of professional experience. Availability for a minimum of 9 to 12 months. High level of English or/and French. Experience supervising, managing and training others. Flexibility and adaptability.
Requirements Appropriate diploma, degree, and current license. Practical experience (last two years).
Assets Training in any of the following: infectious diseases, public health, tropical medicine. Managerial experience. Experience in/with any of the following: - Emergency - HIV/AIDS - Infectious diseases - Neonatal care - Nutrition - Obstetrics - Paediatrics - Pharmacy - Public health - Tropical medicine - Tuberculosis (TB) - Vaccination campaigns
Requirements Appropriate degree and/or certificate. Practical experience (last two years) Experience with high-risk pregnancies, antenatal and postnatal care. Experience with mother/child health care.
Assets Advance Life Support in Obstetrics (ALSO) course. Experience in any of the following: - international public health. - refugee health. - tropical medicine. Knowledge of HIV/AIDS.
Wounded people in conflict zones. Surgical care. Basic diagnostic equipment and facilities needed to run an operating room will be limited.
Does MSF accept medical students as field staff? No. MSF field teams are unable to oversee unlicensed staff. Is there an age limit for going to the field with MSF? MSF has no prescribed limit.
How long are missions? 9-12 months duration. Nurse anaesthetists. Can couples go on mission together? No. All posts for first-time field staff are unaccompanied. Accompanied posts may be offered to experienced MSF staff.
Can I decide where I want to be assigned? No. MSF places staff on assignment based on the needs in the field.
Technical support. Helping in administration. Supervising the projects in the field...
One-time donation: MSF website. Information and credit card. Monthly donation: active partner of the association. Tribute donation: e-card, as a gift. One-time donation. Monthly donation. Tribute donation.
HOW YOUR FUNDS ARE USED Program services86% Fundraising 13% General 1%
Provides medical care and drugs. Promotes investigation. Fights against lots of diseases. Carries out diverse campaigns. We can participate in many different ways. We’ve seen the requirements are numerous.
“Our presence in crisis scenes turns us into witnesses of human suffering. Thus, our campaigns show people what we see and what we’re not going to ignore. WORDS DO NOT SAVE LIVES, BUT SILENCE KILLS.”
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