 starter activity The sanctuary knocker at Durham Cathedral, which dates from the Middle Ages. Why did Christian churches give sanctuary to criminals?


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Presentation transcript:

 starter activity The sanctuary knocker at Durham Cathedral, which dates from the Middle Ages. Why did Christian churches give sanctuary to criminals? The Church has always looked on itself as a way to bring new life to criminals.

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Christianity And Punishment By Mr Yelland Downloaded from Kings School

Aims To understand why Punishment is important to Christians. To understand the reasons why Christians believe in punishment. To be able to explain why Christians believe in repentance and reform of the criminal.

Jesus views on crime Jesus was more concerned with a person's inward honesty and morality rather than outward shows of being good. This is shown by the parable of the Pharisee and the Tax collector (Luke 18:9-14). Jesus taught that although keeping the law was important it was what the people were like inside that was more important. Jesus said that criminal thoughts were as wrong as the deeds themselves. He was also very critical of those who were quick to judge others' crimes while ignoring their own. "Pass no judgments and you will not be judged" Matthew 7:1 "Do not look at the speck in your brother's eye and ignore the log in your own" Matthew 7:3

Jesus views on crime Jesus was often criticised for mixing with those who were thought of as sinners - tax collectors, prostitutes and cheats. He took the view that it was important to God that people changed their ways and he had come to help them do this. Read the parable of the woman caught in adultery (John 8:1-11). Jesus told many stories about how sinners would be welcomed by God after they had confessed their sins. Read the parable of the lost sheep (Luke 15:4-7). Jesus also showed his teachings by example for when he was dying on the cross he asked God to forgive his murderers. "Forgive them Father! They don't know what they are doing. Luke 23:34

A Christian response to crime Most Christians believe that punishment and forgiveness can go together. They also put great stress on working to stop the causes of crime (see above). Over the last 150 years many Christians have worked towards the idea of reforming criminals as they see the idea of reform as being the most important reason for punishment. Many Christians are involved in prison visiting. Most churches and Christians agree that we need to look at the causes of crime as well as how to deal with existing crime. Many crimes come about because of poverty, unfair distribution of wealth, poor housing and bad social conditions. If we could spend money on reducing these things then maybe there would not be so much crime. We also need to examine the lifestyle that we are encouraged to lead. It is considered normal to have a house, car, stereos, TVs, videos, computers, designer clothing and shoes, microwaves, holidays etc. Yet despite promoting this as the norm society prevents some people from achieving this by creating economic structures which keep millions of people in unemployment or low paid jobs.

 starter activity The Salvation Army recognizes the need of society to be protected from wrongdoers, especially those willing to use violence.

Title – Christianity and Punishment Tasks To Do pg 86-87: 1.Explain what Jesus seemed to believe about punishment. 2.What do Christian’s believe about the purpose of punishment? 3.Explain the 6 reasons why Christians believe criminals should be given the opportunity to repent and reform 4.Many Christians also believe that punishment should be used to protect society and deter people from committing crimes: explain the 4 reasons for this belief. 5.Copy and explain Matthew 7:1-2 6.Copy the SUMMARY from pg 87 7.“All criminals should go to prison.” Do you agree? Give reasons for your opinion, showing you have considered another point of view. In your answer, you should refer to at least one religion.