JAMAICA INDUSTRIAL CLASSIFICATION (JIC) A 5-digit classification of economic activity that bears the ISIC structure up to the group level. Latest Revision – JIC 2005 to be published 3rd Quarter 2007
FEATURES OF THE REVISED JIC Structure based on ISIC Revision 3 Annotations at the class level (new) Summary of major changes captured (new) Correspondence Tables at 5 digit level (new) Detailed Classification Index
USES OF JIC To Classify Establishment by Industry For Business Register Maintenance For Conducting Economic Surveys For Analysis and Reporting Findings from Economic Surveys To Classify Business Activities Performed by Households For Informal Sector Studies To Classify the Labour Force and Employment by Industry Labour Force Surveys Other Labour Market Surveys To Compile and Report on National Income and Product
CENTRAL PRODUCT CLASSIFICATION (CPC) No National Classification of Products developed to date. UN reference CPC Version 1 in current use. CPC codes modified to classify items from HES Survey. HES items and CPI products assigned 12 digit modified CPC codes. 4-digit Prefix with COICOP codes 5 digit CPC subclass code 3 digit CPC extension for detailed product description
USES OF CPC For Classifying Products and Services tracked in Prices Survey (CPI & PPI) STATIN- Indices Unit For Cross-classifying Products & Industry (CPC/ISIC) For Cross-classifying Products and Traded Commodities. (CPC/SITC/HS) STATIN- External Trade Unit Customs Department
REVISION AGENDA FOR CPC Should be completed before next National HES Survey (2009/2010) Constrained by scheduled revision of JSOC (National Occupational Classification)
CONCERNS UN Definition of Mixed Farming Classification of Soya Products Production of Ethanol for Fuel NEEDS A Classification Dictionary of Industrial Activity Technical Support to Design a Classification Database AREAS OF CONCERN