LEVEL OF PREHOSPITAL CARE providers. EMS 484 LECTURE.5 Dr. Maha khalidDr. Maha khalid
Introduction The “National EMS Scope of Practice Model (Scope of Practice)” divides the “National EMS Core Content” into four established provider levels, each with minimum skill and knowledge standards.
Pre hospital provider levels Emergency Medical Responder (EMR)--formerly known as First Responder; Emergency Medical Technician (EMT)--formerly known as EMT-Basic; Advanced Emergency Medical Technician (AEMT)--formerly known as EMT-Intermediate; and Paramedic--This term has remained the same.
Pre hospital provider levels Emergency Medical Responder Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) Advanced Emergency Medical Technician (AEMT)-- Paramedic-
Emergency Medical Responder The EMR possesses the basic knowledge and skills necessary to provide lifesaving interventions while awaiting arrival of additional EMS response resources. EMRs may assist higher-level certified EMS personnel at the scene and during patient transport. EMRs perform basic interventions such as basic patient assessment, oxygen administration, splinting, bandaging, and spinal immobilization with minimal equipment
Emergency Medical Technician The EMT possesses the basic knowledge and skills necessary to provided patient care and transportation. The EMT incorporates the skills of the EMR level but will have additional training related to patient assessment skills, gaining access to patients in various situations, ambulance operations, and will have clinical experience during their education program. In some States, the EMT may administer or assist with the administration of certain medications, use emergent airway adjuncts, and monitor existing intravenous fluid administration
Advanced Emergency Medical Technician The AEMT possesses all the knowledge and skills of the EMT. AEMTs can perform further skills such as intravenous or intraosseous fluid administration, certain advanced airway adjuncts, specific emergency care, medications, and will have a greater depth and breadth of clinical procedure education as it relates to human anatomy and physiology.
Paramedic The paramedic possesses the complex knowledge and skills necessary to provide advanced levels of patient care and transportation. The paramedic curriculum incorporates the EMR, EMT, and AEMT knowledge and skills, but also has additional hours of didactic and clinical requirements. The hourly requirements vary between States and programs, but paramedics usually have, at a minimum, approximately 1,000 additional educational hours above that of an EMT.
The paramedic can be expected to perform advanced procedures such as endotracheal intubation, intravenous and intraosseous fluid administration, surgical airway techniques, medication administration related to several conditions, cardiac rhythm interpretation including 12- lead electrocardiograms (ECGs), defibrillation, and synchronized cardioversion, as well as other advanced procedures approved by the medical director.