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Presentation transcript:


PART-1-WHY LOOK AT MARRIAGE GOD’s WAY? GENESIS CHAPTER 2 22 Then the Lord God made a woman from the rib he had taken out of the man, and he brought her to the man. 23 The man said, “This is now bone of my bones     and flesh of my flesh; she shall be called ‘woman,’     for she was taken out of man.” 24 That is why a man leaves his father and mother and is united to his wife, and they become one flesh.

I-Why look at marriage God’s way? a. God designed marriage to be beautiful b. We have messed marriage up c. Jesus has redeemed marriage

THE MARRIAGE PROCESS Pick the Right Partner Leaving your parents c. Cleaving with your spouse

24 That is why a man leaves his father and mother and is united to his wife, and they become one flesh.

IMPLICATIONS OF LEAVING You must honor and respect your parents in the process of leaving and cleaving: Tell them of your plans to get married Ask them for advice b. You must be financially independent. c. Leave your parental baggage behind, something you will have to ask Jesus for strength to do.

IMPLICATIONS OF CLEAVING Your husband or wife must be the most important person to you in the Universe after God. Look at everything as ours – these are our parents, our sisters, our money. You must be declared as husband and wife as per the laws of the land:

LIVING HAPPILY EVER AFTER A life Commitment - This is God’s design for marriage – One man, one woman, for life. Trial in marriage is a recipe for disaster. Unconditional love: The beautiful picture of Christ’s unconditional love for his bride, the church, is the model for the marriage relationship Faithfulness and Trust - They go together – One without the other doesn’t work. Faithfulness builds trust and trust is based on faithfulness Spiritual Unity and Oneness in Christ : A shared Commitment to have an individual relationship with God and relate with Jesus together as a couple where Jesus is the head of the home.

God centered marriage