Created by Kasha Mastrodomenico Information obtained from “Multiple Intelligences in the Classroom” by Thomas Armstrong.
What is Intelligence? Capacity for learning, reasoning, understanding, and similar forms of mental activity; aptitude in grasping truths, relationships, facts, meanings, etc.
How has society measured intelligence? IQ test Multiple Intelligence Dr. Howard Gardner
Differentiated Instruction in the Classroom: Multiple Intelligences Linguistic Logical- Mathematical Spatial Intrapersonal Interpersonal Musical Kinesthetic
Thomas Armstrong’s Key Points in the Multiple Intelligence Theory Each person possesses all seven intelligences Most people can develop each intelligence to an adequate level of competency There are many ways to be intelligent within each category Intelligences usually work together in complex ways
How can we use the Multiple Intelligence Theory? We can use it to create options in order to differentiate instruction for a work session activity. Choices can be given to students for work sessions. Below are the options I provide my students with. 1. Allow students to choose from as many as four activities based on different Multiple Intelligences. 2. Allow the students to choose how they work work alone with a partner with a group Tip for the teacher: Have the students make these choices the day before to allow you time to prepare what will be necessary. Have them write on a piece of paper their name, their choice of activity and their choice of how to work.
Benefits of using activity templates to differentiate instruction using the Multiple Intelligence Theory 1. Saves time during planning; create 4 options in about five minutes 2. Provides student choice so that the students feel more ownership in their education 3. I have personally seen a major decrease in behavior problems during these work sessions because students are engaged 4. Provides consistency from one activity to another because the same format is used
Directions for Teachers to Differentiate Instruction using the Activity Template and Rubric System Have your students take a Multiple Intelligence test; the one provided only tests on the original seven intelligences because it is they are the ones that can be used practically in a classroom setting. Choose up to four activities that span the different multiple intelligences. (Some activities will take longer than others so make sure you look at the appropriate time limits for each step on the templates before choosing multiple activities.) Fill in the specific facts, people, vocabulary, places and or events that you want your students to work with. Fill in the student choice sheet provided and have students fill it out the day before you want to begin the activity. This will allow you to make enough copies and group appropriately. As the students work, monitor and help as needed.
How to level the activity templates for more differentiated instruction The content must stay the same To decrease the ability level, be specific when adding the content. Example: Add a simplified definition along with the vocabulary word. This will take out the “searching for content” step that takes many SPED and ELL students much more time than your “average” student When doing activities that have a writing component you should provide prompts.
Where will the activity templates work the best? Middle School or in grades 6-9 This system has been successfully tested in Social Studies, Biology (7 th grade), Language Arts and Health classes In classrooms where active learning is encouraged. If you pride yourself on having a quiet classroom, most of these activities are not for you.
You can contact Kasha Mastrodomenico by ing her at