By: Ally Black
Mattie Stepanek Has a illness called dysautonomic mitochondrial myopathy Cinderella Man Family stayed strong even through hardships
Booker T. Washington He was a slave until he was 9 years old Then he taught an all black school Then he was recommended to be the principal at Tuskegee University Rudy He wanted to play football at Notre Dame He was small He didn’t have good grades But he got in and he played for Notre Dame Football
Helen Keller She was normal till she was 18 months old She had a fever and that took away he eyesight and hearing and her speech The Blind Side He was homeless His mother is on drugs
Cal Ripken JR. He was the first player no to miss a game over a time span of 16 years Him and his brother were the first brothers to play on the same team in the majors and be coached by their dad The Pursuit of Happyness He doesn’t get enough money to pay the bills His wife leaves him
Arthur Ashe He was a little colored kid and was sad he couldn’t play tennis against the white men that were usually the best. Remember the Titans The school gets a new colored coach The players wont play for him So he keeps the old coach on staff