TGDC Meeting, Jan 2011 UOCAVA Pilot Projects for the 2012 Federal Election Report from the UOCAVA Working Group Andrew Regenscheid National Institute of Standards and Technology
TGDC Meeting, Jan 2011 Page 2 Background EAC/NIST/FVAP UOCAVA Roadmap Outlines deliberative and iterative approach for guidelines development and implementation. Includes phased approach with successive pilot projects. Pilots intended to test key technologies and procedures and make substantial immediate improvements to UOCAVA voting.
TGDC Meeting, Jan 2011 Pilots in UOCAVA Roadmap Page 3 EAC, in consultation with its advisory boards, will … structure an interim pilot project that takes existing technology--including limitations--into account. The pilot will have a specific set of stated goals that advance the guidelines and existing technology toward the goals and objectives stated in the previous section of this roadmap. Possible interim pilot projects could include: Unmanned kiosk remote voting systems; Remote electronic voting systems with specialized hardware, such as the Common Access Card and smartcard readers; and Remote electronic voting systems without specialized hardware or software.
TGDC Meeting, Jan 2011 UOCAVA Working Group Decision on pilot: Spring Pilot Implementation: November TGDC tasked with developing supporting materials. First step: Outlining options. UOCAVA Working Group has been developing a whitepaper to help frame the issues. Page 4
TGDC Meeting, Jan 2011 Pilot Project Goals Possible to deploy in 2012 election. Test key technologies or processes necessary for remote voting. Document performance of system. Provide immediate benefit to UOCAVA voting process. Use existing, proven technologies. Incremental step beyond past efforts. Page 5
TGDC Meeting, Jan 2011 Proposed Pilot Projects Electronic Ballot Delivery. Attended Kiosk-Based Voting System. Unattended Kiosk-Based Voting System. Standard Ballot Delivery Format. CDF for EMS Integration. Page 6
TGDC Meeting, Jan 2011 Electronic Ballot Delivery (1) Description Provide web sites where voters can download ballots and/or mark ballots. Ballots could be printed and returned by mail. Purpose Immediately improve ballot transit times. Could study usability/accessibility of marking wizards. Large-scale pilots could study logistics of handling ballot styles from multiple jurisdictions. Page 7
TGDC Meeting, Jan 2011 Electronic Ballot Delivery (2) Past Efforts MOVE Act systems by states. FVAP systems. Role of NIST/TGDC Guidelines development possible. Common Data Format. Page 8
TGDC Meeting, Jan 2011 Attended Kiosks (1) Description Deploy staffed kiosk voting stations, similar to early voting stations, to remote locations overseas. Voters may be authenticated electronically or in-person. Purpose Kiosk voting system architecture provides safer environment to test key technologies for Internet voting. Investigate challenges of running supporting multiple jurisdictions within a single system. Study usability and accessibility issues. Page 9
TGDC Meeting, Jan 2011 Attended Kiosks (2) Past Efforts Okaloosa County/Operation BRAVO- Single jurisdiction. EAC-developed UOCAVA Pilot Testing Requirements. Role of NIST/TGDC Little additional work may be needed- EAC already developed requirements. Page 10
TGDC Meeting, Jan 2011 Unattended Kiosks (1) Description Deploy unstaffed kiosks to remote locations overseas. Hardware could use off-the-shelf technology. Distributing only software could be considered. Purpose Similar learning opportunity to attended kiosk, but lower operational costs. Collect information regarding known accessibility issues in off-the-shelf technology. Test mechanisms for remotely authenticating voters. Page 11
TGDC Meeting, Jan 2011 Unattended Kiosks (2) Past Efforts Attended-kiosk voting system by Okaloosa County/Operation BRAVO. Role of NIST/TGDC Develop new guidelines for unattended kiosks using EAC guidelines as a starting point. Several new requirements would be needed. e.g., Electronic voter authentication. Accessibility features. Tamper-resistance. Page 12
TGDC Meeting, Jan 2011 Ballot Delivery Format Description Develop CDF for electronic blank ballots for importing ballot styles into ballot delivery/kiosk systems. Purpose Important step in the implementation of future pilots. Past Efforts OASIS/EML and IEEE data format standards. Role of NIST/TGDC Develop specification with engagement of IEEE. Page 13
TGDC Meeting, Jan 2011 CDF for EMS Integration Description Develop common data format for exporting election information from election management systems, and importing results from UOCAVA systems into these systems. Purpose Important step in the implementation of future pilots. Past Efforts OASIS/EML and IEEE data format standards. Role of NIST/TGDC Work with IEEE/OASIS to develop specification. Page 14
TGDC Meeting, Jan 2011 Summary of Pilots Electronic ballot delivery pilots likely to have greatest impact, but fewer learning opportunities. Attended/Unattended kiosk voting systems offer significant learning opportunities, but may not be practical for deployment in CDF-related work is necessary, but not sufficient, for the success of future pilots. Page 15
TGDC Meeting, Jan 2011 FVAP Pilot Plans FVAP is already moving forward with additional e-ballot delivery projects for NIST committed to developing CDF for blank ballots. FVAP studying logistics of kiosk-based systems for 2014 & beyond. Page 16
TGDC Meeting, Jan 2011 Next Steps Decision to approve pilot projects whitepaper. If necessary, develop supporting materials for selected pilot projects. Page 17
TGDC Meeting, Jan 2011 Proposed Resolution White paper on “Possible UOCAVA Pilot Projects for the 2012 Federal Election” The TGDC accepts the whitepaper titled “Possible UOCAVA Pilot Projects for the 2012 Federal Election” for transmittal to the Election Assistance Commission and Federal Voting Assistance Program. This whitepaper responds to the request in the “Report to Congress on EAC’s Efforts to Establish Guidelines for Remote Electronic Absentee Voting Systems” for the TGDC to develop supporting material for 2012 UOCAVA pilot projects. Page 18