Discussion Topics For SIM Time and Frequency Metrology Working Group SIM Time and Frequency Metrology Working Group Workshop and Planning Meeting Panama City, Panama January 27-29, 2015
n Michael Lombardi has been chair since May 2011, almost four years. I plan to remain as chair until the end of I will continue to work on SIM activities after that date, just as Mauricio Lopez has done. n Previous Chairs n Don Sullivan of NIST and Mauricio Lopez of CENAM were both chairs in the period up to 2003 when the group was not very active n Jean-Simon Boulanger of NRC in Canada, n Mauricio Lopez, CENAM from October 2004 to May 2011 n We need to appoint a new chair to take over on January 1, There is no formal vote or procedure required. We just all need to be in agreement. I can announce the new chair at the SIM General Assembly Meeting in November n The primary function of the chair is to organize biannual meetings, to handle the submissions and reviews of CMCs, and to provide support and communicate with the group as necessary. New Chair for SIMTFMWG
CMCs n n As of today, 46 time and frequency laboratories have their CMCs listed in the BIPM Key Comparison Database (KCDB). All five RMOs are represented. u u 21 from EURAMET u u 13 from APMP u u 7 from SIM (Brazil, Canada, Costa Rica, Mexico, Panama, Peru, USA) - Colombia should soon be number 8! u u 3 from COOMET u u 2 from AFRIMETS n n How can we get more SIM labs to publish their CMCs? n n How can we do a better job of reviewing the CMCs from other RMOs?
Long-term support of SIM Time Network n n Maintenance and support of SIMTN hardware and software u u Time Interval Counters u u GPS receivers u u Software u u Computers (Windows XP, 7, etc.) n n Servers u u Do we need more redundancy? u u Can we used the Cloud? n n Better Clocks u u More labs with cesiums? n n Better Time Transfer u u Dual frequency GPS receivers
Long-term support of SIM Time Scale n n Software now only runs at CENAM in Mexico. We have discussed running software at NRC in Canada. n n Needs to be more reliable – multiple sites could help n n More cesium clocks will improve performance
Disseminating Time n n NTP is probably the most cost effective method to distribute our time. u u 8 countries involved in SIM NTP comparisons now u u At least 2 more countries have servers u u Can we get more countries to operate NTP servers? n n Web Clocks u u A good way for SIM labs to be recognized. u u At least 9 SIM labs have web clocks now. Can we get more? n n Other methods of disseminating time u u Telephone – how many labs do this? u u Radio u u ?
Publications n n It is important for laboratory staff to occasionally publish papers about time and frequency metrology. n n What opportunities do we have to publish? u u Conferences (both local and international) u u Journals
Other Topics of Discussion n n What are your goals? n n What are your concerns?