Girl Scout Daisy Program Level Girl Scout Council of the Nation’s Capital
Expectations Before I leave today, I need to learn about or how to….
Agenda Review
Housekeeping Sign-in sheet Restrooms Cell phones on vibrate Questions? Ask as we go Parking Lot
Course Objectives Developmental characteristics Behavior management ideas Resources Girl/adult partnership Adaptations Awards Troop Finances
Who are Daisy Girl Scouts? Grades K – 1 5 & 6 years old
Developmental Characteristics Physical (Gross and Fine Motor Skills) Emotional Social Intellectual Ask participants to recall when they were five years old Ask them to jot down 3 distinguishing characteristics of themselves at this age Ask them to compare their own lists with the list of characteristics of a Daisy Girl Scout in their Leader Guides What struck you about these lists?
Developmental Characteristics Small Group Activity Am I a Girl Scout Daisy? Read your example Review developmental characteristics Is this a Girl Scout Daisy?
What do Daisies wear?
What do Daisies do? Meeting Location Must be follow Safety-Wise Guidelines (p.72, 140) Your home School Community Center Church
What do Daisies do? Meeting Ratios Trip Ratios 2 adults to every 10 Daisies (plus 1 additional adult: 5 girls thereafter Trip Ratios 2 adults: 5 Daisies (plus 1 additional adult: 3 additional girls Know thyself You may not take girls into your troop without coordinating with your Organizer Girl Scout registration is mandatory in order to be a Girl Scout
What do Daisies do? Activities Flag ceremony Girl Scout Promise Girl Scout Pledge Kaper Assignments Discussion Circle Activities Clean up Closing
Flag Ceremony Teach respect for the flag Teach proper handling of flag Reinforces Pledge of Allegiance
The Girl Scout Promise On my honor, I will try: To serve God* and my country, To help people at all times, And to live by the Girl Scout Law. *Girl Scouts makes no attempt to define or interpret the word "God" in the Girl Scout Promise. We look to individual members to establish for themselves the nature of their spiritual beliefs. When making the Girl Scout Promise, individuals may substitute wording appropriate to their own spiritual beliefs for the word "God".
The Girl Scout Law I will do my best to be honest and fair, friendly and helpful, considerate and caring, courageous and strong, and responsible for what I say and do, and to respect myself and others, respect authority, use resources wisely, make the world a better place, and be a sister to every Girl Scout.
What do Daisies do? The Girl Scout Leadership Experience Games Songs Crafts Science Projects Ceremonies Sports Service Projects Earned Awards
What do Daisies do? Daisy Song: I’m a Girl Scout Daisy! Take a look at me. I’m a Girl Scout Daisy, happy as can be. I’m going on a journey, With friends along the way, I’m a Girl Scout Daisy, Hip, Hip Hooray!
What do Daisies Do? The Girl Scout Leadership Experience Trips Product Sales Family Giving Campaign Ceremonies
What do Daisies Do? Troop Funding Daisies & product sales Sponsorships Parents pay Dues Donations/Sponsorship Financial Aid
What awards can Daisies earn? Earned Awards Learning Petals Promise Center Journey awards Bridge to Brownies Participation Patches & Pins Honor Troop Souvenir patches Daisy Girl Scout Pin World Trefoil Pin
Daisy Girl Scout Insignia
Ceremonies Investiture Court of Awards Bridging Scouts’ Own
Girl Scout Daisies 10 minute break
How do I work with Daisies? Group Guidelines (review) Plan ahead Offer choices Keep activities short and varied Praise desirable behavior; ignore undesirable behavior Respond quickly and appropriately Be consistent Set clear consequences
How do I work with Daisies? Girl Adult Partnership Girls' Role in decision-making Daisy Scouts actively participate in decision making They make their interests and wishes known to the leader If it is their idea they will buy into it and the meetings will go more smoothly. Leader's Role in decision-making
How do I work with Daisies? Actively Inclusive to all Girls
How do I work with Daisies? Behavior Management Ideas
How do I work with Daisy Parents? Situational Communicate often What is preferred? Email Phone Newsletter Calendar of events
Resources for Daisy Leaders? Volunteer Essentials Safety Wise Daisy Girl Scout Leader Handbook Daisy Girl Scout Activity Book Daisy Journeys
Resources for Daisy Leaders? Parents Service Unit Manager Other Daisy Leaders Field Director Older Girls
Resources for Daisy Leaders? Websites Girl program Adult training
You’re Ready to Lead! Closing Ceremony Evaluations Training Cards