Oceans Oceans cover 75% of the surface of the earth and make up 97% of all the water on earth. Ocean water contains dissolved gases such as oxygen, carbon dioxide, and nitrogen. It also contains many dissolved salts such as chloride, sodium, sulfate, magnesium, calcium, and potassium Salinity-measure of amount of dissolved salts in seawater
Importance of Oceans Allow for transportation Habitat for many animals Food resource Oil wells are drilled in the water Affect the weather and climate
Oceans of the World (label on map)
Lakes Lakes can be either be natural or man made. Natural lakes were formed by glaciers that made depressions in the ground which filled with rainwater, groundwater or melting ice. Man made lakes are formed when a dam is built and the water collects behind it.
The Great Lakes The Great Lakes consist of 5 lakes on the border of the U.S. and Canada Huron, Ontario, Michigan, Erie, and Superior (HOMES) These lakes make up 20 percent of the world’s freshwater lakes
Lakes to label on map The 5 Great Lakes Caspian Sea-Russia (biggest lake in world) Lake Victoria-Africa Lake Biakal-Tanzania (deepest lake in world) Dead Sea-Israel (highest salt content)
Rivers/Streams Two types: Meandering streams-have channels with many curves. Carry a lot of sediment (clay, silt); erodes land in some places They are always changing Braided Streams-consists of many bars and islands separated by river channels The eroded sediment gathers and creates islands in the river
Rivers of the World (label on map) Nile River-Egypt (longest in the world) Amazon River-Brazil Mississippi River Congo River Yangtze River-China