MODE OF ACTION Protoplasmic poison Inhibits cytochrome oxidase system for oxygen utilization.
SIGNS & SYMPTOMS MOST RAPID OF ALL POISONS Inhalation of gas : Instantaneous death HCN: Large dose swallowed Symptoms occur at once. Some times interval of one minute which allows victim to perform voluntary acts. Death delayed (few minutes). Agonizing dyspnoea Convulsions Dilated pupils
SMALL DOSE SWALLOWED Head ache Confusion Giddiness Nausea Loss of muscular power.
Smell of bitter almonds (mouth). Violent convulsions. Loss of consciousness. Fine froth (mouth) Death
INGESTION OF SALTS (POTASSIUM CYANIDE) Symptoms appear after 10 – 20 minutes Acted upon by HCL to liberate hydrocyanic acid SYMPTOMS: Giddiness Dyspnoea Dilated and fixed pupils Convulsive seizures Loss of muscle power
Epigastric pain Vomiting Cyanosis of face Jaw clenched Froth mouth Respiration spasmodic Pulse imperceptible Death (respiratory paralysis)
TREATMENT If Pt survives for 4 hrs ---- recover Two 20 ml ampoules of 1.5 % dicobalt tetracemate –IV. 20 ml of 50% glucose. 50 ml of 1% solution of methylene blue(methyl thioneine chloride) IV. ANTIDOTE converts haemoglobin to methaemoglobin + free cyanide.
POTASSIUM CYANIDE OR DILUTE HYOROCYANIC ACID POISONING Gastric lavage with 10 to 50% Nathiosulphate or Mixture of sulphates of iron
Inhalation of hydrocyanic acid gas (cyanogas) Remove the patient to fresh air Artificial respiration 100% O2 Sodium nitrite Sodium thiosulphate I.V
Potassium ferrocyanide Potassium ferricyanide Taken with acid Double cyanides Potassium ferrocyanide Potassium ferricyanide Taken with acid Poisonous Non Toxic
Judicial Execution Strapped to a chair Cyanide Eggs strong acid cyano gas Inhalation immediate death