8.2 Roman Gods Do Now: Review 8.1 (so map/venn diagram out) HW Preview: Gods & Planets Worksheet & Myth Jupiter Pantomime Notes: Roman Polytheism (on Venn Diagram) Roman Gods & Planets An American God Activity
Religion in Rome Culture is heavily influenced by Cultural Diffusion Many of the Roman ideas came directly from Greece, including their Gods But Rome didn’t completely drop their existing religious rituals, they just blended the new with the old – i.e. if one of their gods was similar to a Greek god, they blended them together as one god.
ROMAN RELIGIOUS PRATICES Wanted to please the gods because they believed the gods could control their daily lives Built temples and shrines offering food and sacrifices Leave offerings for favors (i.e. here’s a biscut cause I broke my leg) Holidays to honor gods Emperors sometimes honored as gods Welcomed other religions as long as they didn’t encourage disloyalty to the emperor Reminds me of… Could have come from…
Why was Rome so Easily Persuaded by other religious beliefs? Romans focused less on using myths to explain phenomena (the reason the Greeks had so many gods to begin with), but were more concerned with rituals to obtain power.
Gods of Rome and Greece ResponsibilityGreeceRome God of WarAresMars God of TravelHermesMercury God of BeautyAphroditeVenus King of GodsZeusJupiter God of TimeKronosSaturn God of HeavenUranusCaelus *not worshipped God of SeaPoseidonNeptune God of UnderworldHadesPluto
Why the Names? Mercury revolves quickly Venus brightest most beautiful planet Mars red as the blood from war
Why the Names? Jupiter largest planet “King of Planets” Neptune blue color named after god of Sea Pluto so far away it gets little sunlight
Solar System