Scientology! By Chris-10, Stuuuarrt, Concust-y, and Dandy Andy (Kristyn, Stuart, Misha, Andrew)
Beliefs Scientology offers a complete and precise path to knowing oneself and one’s own spiritual nature. It allows an individual to explore “one’s relationship to self, family, groups, Mankind, all life forms, the material universe, the spiritual universe and the Supreme Being.”
Practices Auditing The goal of auditing is to restore beingness and ability. This is accomplished by helping individuals rid themselves of any spiritual disabilities. Training The study of the passages and teachings of the founder. The study of proper practices.
What is Auditing? Auditing is the central practice of Scientology The purpose is to clear the practitioner of negative influence (known as engrams) by purifying the Thetan attached to the host. Once engrams are cleared, spiritual awareness and “untapped potential” can be reached
How is it Done? Auditing is done by attaching oneself to an electropsychometer, of E-meter, by holding metal cylinders and talking about past experiences The E-meter measures mental mass and energy, which can indicate harmful engrams by reacting to certain topics If the E-meter reacts to a certain topic, the participant will discuss the topic further to alleviate the engrams
Origins of Scientology Scientologists believe that spirituality and thought (called "theta") is an energy existing in its own universe, separate and distinct from the physical universe of Matter, Energy, Space and Time. Scientologists addresses the spirit, not the body or mind, and believe that man is more than just a product of his environment or his genes. Scientology’s roots lie in the beliefs and aspirations of all great religions, thus encompassing an old and varied religious heritage. The founder of Scientology was L Ron Hubbard and the religion was created in 1953 There are an estimated thousand followers worldwide
L Ron Hubbard Born in 1911 In the 30s, wrote many short stories (mystery, action, science- fiction). He was also well-traveled. L Ron visited and did research in places such as the Caribbean, Haiti, and Puerto Rico. He was focused on people’s troubles and their psyche. L Ron recorded his philosophies in over 5,000 writings and 3,000 lectures
Dianetics A study of the dynamics of human existence. It took L. Ron 16 years to compile this. Dianetics discusses the way to eliminate body thetans through a process called “auditing” in which a Scientologist recounts past experiences and memories. In Dianetics (along with some of the other literary works of Scientology), the foundations of the religion are addressed and some of the significant symbols are explained.
SCIO: (Latin) “I know” from the infinitive scire: “To know” KRC Triangle: Knowledge, Responsibility, Control ARC Triangle: Affinity, Reality, Communication S: Scientology
KRC Triangle: It is difficult to be responsible for something or control something unless you have knowledge of it. Components of Power: KNOWLEDGE RESPONSIBILITY CONTROL Little by little one can make anything go right by: increasing KNOWLEDGE on all dynamics, increasing RESPONSIBILITY on all dynamics, increasing CONTROL on all dynamics
ARC Triangle: To Scientologists, this means good feeling, love or friendliness Components of Understanding: AFFINITY REALITY COMMUNICATION Affinity is a type of energy and can be produced at will Reality is agreement; too much agreement under duress brings about the banishment of one’s entire consciousness. Communication: it is the operation, the action by which one experiences emotion and by which one agrees.
Scientology Cross Eight points represent the eight dynamics of life, which all Scientologists strive to achieve. Symbolizes the ability to live happily across all Eight Dynamics.
The Eight Dynamics The FIRST DYNAMIC is SELF. This is the effort to survive as an individual, to be an individual. It includes one’s own body and one’s own mind. It is the effort to attain the highest level of survival for the longest possible time for self. This dynamic includes the individual plus his immediate possessions. It does not include other people. It is the urge to survive as one’s self. Here we have individuality expressed fully. The SECOND DYNAMIC is CREATIVITY. Creativity is making things for the future and the Second Dynamic includes any creativity. The Second Dynamic contains the family unit and raising children as well as anything that can be categorized as a family activity. It also, incidentally, includes sex as a mechanism to compel future survival.
The Eight Dynamics The THIRD DYNAMIC is GROUP SURVIVAL. This is the urge to survive through a group of individuals or as a group. It is group survival with the group tending to take on a life and existence of its own. A group can be a community, friends, a company, a social lodge, a state, a nation, a race or any group. It doesn’t matter what size this group is, it is seeking to survive as a group. The FOURTH DYNAMIC is SPECIES. Man’s Fourth Dynamic is the species of Mankind. This is the urge toward survival through all Mankind and as all Mankind. Whereas the American nationality would be considered a Third Dynamic for Americans, all the nationalities of the world together would be considered the Fourth Dynamic. All men and women, because they are men and women, seek to survive “as men and women” and “for men and women.”
The Eight Dynamics The FIFTH DYNAMIC is LIFE FORMS. This is the urge to survive as life forms and with the help of life forms such as animals, birds, insects, fish and vegetation. This includes all living things whether animal or vegetable, anything directly and intimately motivated by life. It is the effort to survive for any and every form of life. It is the interest in life as such. The SIXTH DYNAMIC is the PHYSICAL UNIVERSE. The physical universe has four components. These are matter, energy, space and time. The Sixth Dynamic is the urge of the physical universe to survive, by the physical universe itself and with the help of the physical universe and each one of its component parts.
The Eight Dynamics The SEVENTH DYNAMIC is the SPIRITUAL DYNAMIC. This is the urge to survive as spiritual beings or the urge for life itself to survive. Anything spiritual, with or without identity, would come under the heading of the Seventh Dynamic. It includes one’s beingness, the ability to create, the ability to cause survival or to survive, the ability to destroy or pretend to be destroyed. A subheading of this dynamic is ideas and concepts and the desire to survive through these. The Seventh Dynamic is life source. This is separate from the physical universey and is the source of life itself. Thus, there is an effort for the survival of life source. The EIGHTH DYNAMIC is the urge toward INFINITY. The Eighth Dynamic also is commonly called God, The Supreme Being or Creator, but it is correctly defined as infinity. It actually embraces the all-ness of all. That is why, according to L. Ron Hubbard, “when the Seventh Dynamic is reached in its entirety, one will only then discover the true Eighth Dynamic.”
However these are not the only practices of Scientology. Many believe that what the Church of Scientology preaches is only a small part of the religion….
What they’re not telling you… There is controversy surrounding the religion of Scientology Newer members of the religion are not told the real belief system in its entirety until they reach the rank of OT-III within the Church Once members reach the rank of OT-III, they are told the first supreme truth The following are controversial ideas about the beliefs of Scientology. Many avid Scientologists deny these rumors
XENU: Galactic Overlord 75 Million years ago, Xenu was the tyrant dictator of the Galactic Federation, which was composed of 76 planets and had already existed for millions of years The planets were suffering from overpopulation, so Xenu had many aliens frozen then dumped in the volcanoes of the Earth (then called Teegeeack), killing them. The volcanoes were then Nuked to prevent anyone from living
Thetans Live On The souls of the now-dead aliens, called Thetans, lived on within the volcanoes. As they tried to escape, however, they were captured and forced to sit through brainwashing, making them forget the Galactic Federation and all that had happen and forcing them to accept Teegeeack as the only place to live As Humans came into existence, the Thetans attached to them. Thetans are the reasons for all our suffering and can only be purified through auditing until the practitioner is cleared
So what happen to Xenu? Members of the Galactic Federation, seeing what Xenu had done, rebelled against him After a six year war, Xenu was captured and imprisoned on a planet that is a barren desert. He still lives on within the “mountain trap.”
NEVERMIND IT WONT WORK JUST ENJOY THIS PICTURE. We think the TV show South Park explains Xenu the best. Just click and enjoy if you’d like to watch the clip
By the way… There are eight known levels of Scientology I.OT I - Initiates II.OT II III.OT III – When they allegedly learn of Xenu IV.OT IV V.OT V VI.OT VI VII.OT VII VIII.OT VIII – Ultimate Truth Revealed aboard cruiser “Freewinds” out on Caribbean (the Ultimate Truth has never been publically exposed) *OV IX will not be released in this lifetime
While many around you will be quick to make fun of the faith, there is something important to remember when thinking about the Church of Scientology: despite how “crazy” all the potential beliefs may be and despite the secrecy of the faith, Scientology does in fact help people. Like other religions, it allows for communal relationships, helps alleviate stress and provide hope, and gives people a set of moral guidelines. More than anything, it helps promote personal growth. So, before making fun of Scientologists, remember that they are people too that are just following a faith that makes them feel good about themselves. *Disclaimer*
The Church of Scientology Says… “Scientology does not ask individuals to accept anything on faith alone. Rather, as one’s level of spiritual awareness increases through participation in Scientology auditing and training, one attains his own certainty of every dynamic”
Works Cited These are the websites that we used when researching Scientology =204 =204 =253 =253