Prof. Tullio TOLIO President of the Scientific Technical Committee Cluster Intelligent Factories THE ROADMAP OF THE CLUSTER INTELLIGENT FACTORIES ISCP.


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Presentation transcript:

Prof. Tullio TOLIO President of the Scientific Technical Committee Cluster Intelligent Factories THE ROADMAP OF THE CLUSTER INTELLIGENT FACTORIES ISCP 2015 Research to Business Conference on Italian-Serbian Collaboration Platform in Advanced Manufac t u r i n g Systems and Tec h n o l o g i e s Belgrade,13th May 2015

WHY a Roadmap?

Call 1 Call 2 Call n Call 1 Call 2 Call n Call 1 Call 2 Call n National Cluster PPP - JTI Italian Ministry EU Italian Region Regional Cluster Smart specialization Smart specialization To connect national and regional research policies with international policies; To facilitate the participation in European initiatives. Players: Enterprises, Universities Res. Organizations, Associations

To suggest direction for the transformation of the italian Manufacturing sector towards new product-services, processes, and technologies in order to take advantage of the Italian resources and strenghs and exploit new opportunities Roadmap of the Cluster Intelligent Factories (Dec 2014) Challenges Research lines Research priorities Researh and innovation topics Enabling Technologies Italian situation

Challenges Research lines Research priorities Researh and innovation topics Enabling Technologies Italian situation Roadmap of the cluster Intelligent Factories Megatrends

Challenges Research lines Research priorities Researh and innovation topics Enabling Technologies Italian situation Roadmap of the cluster Intelligent Factories Megatrends

Manufacturing in Italy First sector of the non-financial economy (in terms of employees and added value) 1 First sector for export First sector for private investments in R&D First sector for innovation level First sector for productivity growth 1 elaborazione ITIA-CNR su dati Eurostat State of the Industry, Sectoral overview and Implementation of the EU Industrial Policy, Commission Staff Working Document, EFFRA – European Factory of the Future Research Association, European Competitiveness Report 2013 ©ITIA-CNR

Italian manufacturing in the world Italy is among the first 6 countries in the world in terms of added value in manufcturing. The first 10 countries generate 70% of the worldwide added value. Year 2012

Leading manufacturing countries in Europe Fonte: elaborazione su dati Eurostat 2011 Italy is the first country in terms of number of enterprizes and second in terms of GDP, Added Value and number of employees

European Import-Export in manufacturing Second country in Europe in terms of Export

Italian Import-Export by sector

Employees 3,9 millions of employees (2nd country in Europe) % of Highly qualified personnel

Leading manufacturing regions in Europe Four Italian Regions are among the top ten manufacturing Regions in Europe.

Challenges Research lines Research priorities Researh and innovation topics Enabling Technologies Italian situation Roadmap of the cluster Intelligent Factories Megatrends

Climate change New emerging markets Faster and faster technological development Resource scarcity Demographic change

Challenges Research lines Research priorities Researh and innovation topics Enabling Technologies Italian situation Roadmap of the cluster Intelligent Factories Megatrends

Megatrends and challenges for manufacturing

Faster and faster technological development: challenges for manufacturing Greater flexibility and reconfigurability of production systems Improvements in productivity Integration of advanced technologies in existing systems New types of job Smart manufacturing Enhaced interacion with individuals (clients, workers, citizens)

New emerging markets: challenges for manufacturing Growth of the emerging countries (both in production and consumption) Growth of the middle-class at worldwide level Continuously mutating market conditions Need to manage dynamic and complex networks of enterprises New models of cooperation – Reshoring – offshoring - nearshoring Need to valorize local competences and strengths.

Ageing Population: challenges for manufacturing To allow over 65 to work if they want and, at the same time, to have enough jobs for the young generation Improve worker’s wellbeing in terms of satisfaction, safety, inclusion New products and services for the elderly people New products and services to guarantee confort, health, wellbeing to target groups Urban manufacturing (factory as a good neighbour) within the increase in the urbanization

Challenges Research lines Research priorities Researh and innovation topics Enabling Technologies Italian situation Roadmap of the cluster Intelligent Factories Megatrends

Research Lines (RL) RL1: Solutions for personalized production RL2: Models and tools for sustainable production RL3: Valorization of workers in the factory RL4: Systems for high efficiency in production RL5: Innovative production systems RL6: Adaptable and reconfigurable systems RL7: Strategies and management for the next generation production systems

Challenges Research lines Research priorities Researh and innovation topics Enabling Technologies Italian situation Roadmap of the cluster Intelligent Factories Megatrends

To develop high efficiency production systems to minimize production costs improve quality and productivity. High efficiency is necessary in all the sectors to improve competitivity, in partcular in those sectors having reduced margins LI4: High efficiency production systems

Priorità di ricerca per LI4: Sistemi di produzione ad alta efficienza 4.1. Advanced control for hybrid systems 4.2.Integrated quality, maintenance and logistics for zero defect production 4.3. Monitoring and control of industrial processes 4.4. Integrated environments for the design of distributed control systems 4.5. CyberPhysical Systems (CPS) for intelligent factories 4.6. Advanced motion planning for industrial robots Accurate modelling of industrial robots

LI6: Adaptable and reconfigurable systems The goal is the development of a new generation of production systems able to evolve and to adapt to a dynamic context. CONTROL SCADA/HMI MES ERP Optimal Real-time control system

6.1. Intelligent interaction between operators and machines (Smart Human-machine Interface) 6.2. Human-robot co-working 6.3. Integrated simulation tools for virtual commissioning of manufacturing systems 6.4. Intellingent Machines 6.5. ICT for model-based machinery development 6.6. Integrated digital platform for the configuration of production systems 6.7. Modular mechatronics for high flexibility and reconfigurability Intelligent interaction between operators and machines (Smart Human-machine Interface) 6.2. Human-robot co-working 6.3. Integrated simulation tools for virtual commissioning of manufacturing systems 6.4. Intellingent Machines 6.5. ICT for model-based machinery development 6.6. Integrated digital platform for the configuration of production systems 6.7. Modular mechatronics for high flexibility and reconfigurability. LI6: Adaptable and reconfigurable systems : Research priorities CONTROL SCADA/HMI MES ERP Optimal Real-time control system

Challenges Research lines Research priorities Researh and innovation topics Enabling Technologies Italian situation Roadmap of the cluster Intelligent Factories Megatrends

…… European Roadmaps Enabling Technologies

EFFRA (European Factories of the Future Research Association) – Manifatturiero discreto; SPIRE (Sustainable Process Industry through Resource and Energy Efficiency) – Manifatturiero continuo; Photonics21 – Fotonica; Robotics Adsl – Robotica; IMS2020 (Roadmap on Global Sustainable Manufacturing) – Manufacturing; ActionPlanT – ICT for Manufacturing; EUMAT (Materials for Life Cycle)– Materials; Nanofutures (European Technology Integrating and Innovation Platform on Nanotechnology) – Micro- and Nano-Manufacturing; Progetto Bandiera “La Fabbrica del Futuro” – Programma di ricerca nazionale sul manifatturiero avanzato; Cluster Tecnologico Nazionale “Fabbrica Intelligente” – Piano strategico e progetti del Cluster Nazionale “Fabbrica Intelligente”. Enabling Technologies in European Roadmaps

Challenges Research lines Research priorities Researh and innovation topics Enabling Technologies Italian situation Roadmap of the cluster Intelligent Factories Megatrends

Cluster Projects Project1 Sustainable manufacturing Project2 Adaptive and modular approaches for the digitalfactory Project 3 Smart Manufacturing Project4 High performance manufacturing Total costs:~40 million Euro Total funding~30 million Euro

The first 4 Cluster Projects Enabling TechnologiesProjects

Challenges Research lines Research priorities Researh and innovation topics Enabling Technologies Italian situation Roadmap of the cluster Intelligent Factories Megatrends Bottom up

Prof. Tullio TOLIO President Cluster Intelligent Factories Thank you for your attention!

The goal is to define and develop new production systems around the people considering social and demographical trends and the needs of the different kind of workers to valorize their competences and to contribute to their satisfaction and well being. LI3: Valorization of workers in the factory

3.1. ICT solutions to valorize knowledge and competences in factories 3.2. Technologies and tools for inclusive factories New materials and new technologies for workplace safety. 3.4.Virtual reality for factory management Virtual reality for training. LI3: Valorization of workers in the factory: Research Priorities

The goal is the realization of systems and industrial models for the efficient production of high added value personalized goods to strengthen Italian made in Italy. These systems must be reconfigurable to satisfy production requirements strongly related to customer needs and should include new models of product-service management. The goal is the realization of systems and industrial models for the efficient production of high added value personalized goods to strengthen Italian made in Italy. These systems must be reconfigurable to satisfy production requirements strongly related to customer needs and should include new models of product-service management. LI1: Solutions for personalized production

1.1 Advanced solutions for the design and configuration of personalized solutions. 1.2 Efficient production of high value functional personalized products 1.3 Models and tools for the creation of dynamic networks for personalized production. 1.4 production management of customer driven production. 1.5 Mini factories as a model to reorganize production and distribution supply chains. 1.6 Production system to process smart materials for personalized products/services Solutions for personalized production: Research Priorities