MS1: Media Representations & Responses Learning Objective: To use media terminology to analyse texts, evaluating how meanings and responses are created Success Criteria: I can choose images for particular media texts and can explain my choices I explore the representations within texts and begin to refer to the use of media codes I analyse how a range of media codes are used to create representations and responses
You are the photo-editor for a teen magazine. Which image would you choose in an article about Beyonce?
You are the photo-editor for a calendar. Which photo would you choose for the 2013 Beyonce calendar?
You are the photo-editor for women’s magazine. Which photo of Beyonce would you choose?
You are the photo-editor for gossip magazine. Which photo of Beyonce would you choose?
You are the photo-editor for men’s magazine. Which photo of Beyonce would you choose?
You are the photo-editor for Beyonce’s CD album artwork. Which photo of Beyonce would you choose?
You are the photo-editor for a shampoo advert. Which photo of Beyonce would you choose?
You are the photo-editor for a cosmetics advert. Which photo of Beyonce would you choose?
Learning Objective: To use media terminology to analyse texts, evaluating how meanings and responses are created Success Criteria: I can choose images for particular media texts and can explain my choices I explore the representations within texts and begin to refer to the use of media codes I analyse how a range of media codes are used to create representations and responses For each image analyse the representation of Beyonce...
How is Beyonce represented in this photograph? What is the context of the photograph? (posed, enhanced, paparazzi etc) Consider the following and how the representation is created... Clothing Background Props Gesture/ pose Gaze Camera angle Lighting Any other notes...
Reception theory (audience theory) Audience reception theory has come to be widely used as a way of exploring the active choices, uses and interpretations made of media materials, by their consumers.
Reception Theory - Reception theory emphasizes the reader's reception of a literary text or media. This approach to textual analysis focuses on the scope for negotiation and opposition on the part of the audience. This means that a "text"—be it a book, movie, or other creative work—is not simply passively accepted by the audience, but that the reader / viewer interprets the meanings of the text based on their individual cultural background and life experiences.
In essence, the meaning of a text is not inherent within the text itself, but is created within the relationship between the text and the reader. A basic acceptance of the meaning of a specific text tends to occur when a group of readers have a shared cultural background and interpret the text in similar ways. It is likely that the less shared heritage a reader has with the artist, the less he/she will be able to recognize the artist's intended meaning, and it follows that if two readers have vastly different cultural and personal experiences, their reading of a text will vary greatly.
Identify whether or not the following reading of the image is DOMINANT, OPPOSITIONAL or NEGOTIATED DOMINANT OPPOSITIONAL NEGOTIATED Urgh! Sweat patches!
Identify whether or not the following reading of the image is DOMINANT, OPPOSITIONAL or NEGOTIATED DOMINANT OPPOSITIONAL NEGOTIATED Whoever took this picture is just cruel.
Identify whether or not the following reading of the image is DOMINANT, OPPOSITIONAL or NEGOTIATED DOMINANT OPPOSITIONAL NEGOTIATED That’s disgusting. Dirty cow!
Identify whether or not the following reading of the image is DOMINANT, OPPOSITIONAL or NEGOTIATED DOMINANT OPPOSITIONAL NEGOTIATED Poor Beyonce! I suppose she’s just a normal person after all.
Summer project... For September you must complete an overview MS1 analysis of five media texts that interest you (either collect or print a sheet). The texts can be print based or moving image... Remember to write down what the texts were – and bring copies with you if you can!