CHALK SOIL OF UNITED KINGDOM(UK) CHARACTERISTICS OF CHALK SOIL It is an alkaline and dry soil,hence they are not suitable for planting. They are soft soils. This is the reason why they break down easily. They are also shallow, stony and free- drained. CROPS THAT ARE GROWN IN CHALK SOIL Several varieties of wildflowers and herbs can grow in chalk soil, for example poppies,cornflowers, cowslips, lavender, rosemary, chamomile and herbs. Vegetables such as spinach, sweet corns, cabbage also grow well in chalk soil. AREAS WHERE CHALK SOIL IS FOUND IN UK Paris and Britain...
LOAM SOIL IN UNITED KINGDOM Loam is soil composed mostly of sand and silt, and a smaller amount of clay. Loam is soil composed mostly of sand and silt, and a smaller amount of clay.soilsandsiltclaysoilsandsiltclay Types of loam soils: sandy loam, silty loam, clay loam, sandy clay loam, silty clay loam, and loam. Types of loam soils: sandy loam, silty loam, clay loam, sandy clay loam, silty clay loam, and loam. Loam soils generally contain more nutrients, moisture, and humus than sandy soils, have better drainage and infiltration of water and air than silt soils, and are easier to till than clay soils. Loam soils generally contain more nutrients, moisture, and humus than sandy soils, have better drainage and infiltration of water and air than silt soils, and are easier to till than clay soils.humus Loam is considered ideal for gardening and agricultural uses because it retains nutrients well and retains water while still allowing excess water to drain away. Loam is considered ideal for gardening and agricultural uses because it retains nutrients well and retains water while still allowing excess water to drain away. Loam is found in a majority of successful farms in regions around the world known for their fertile land. Loam is found in a majority of successful farms in regions around the world known for their fertile land. Loam soil feels soft and crumbly and is easy to work over a wide range of moisture conditions. Loam soil feels soft and crumbly and is easy to work over a wide range of moisture conditions.
SANDY SOIL IN UK Sandy soils contain less than 10 per cent of clay, and consist of very small particles of silica and quartz. The amount of humus present will alter the colour and the texture. Sand is a light and dry soil. It is one of the warmest soils as it warms up much more quickly in the spring due to its dryness. For this reason it is useful in producing early crops. One of the advantages of a sandy soil is that it can be worked at any time of the year and it is comparatively easy to cultivate. On the other hand it is poor in plant foods, coarse- grained, and does not retain moisture.
AREA WHERE IT IS FOUND IN UK Found in central England towns like Rugby and nearby Willoughby, sandy soils are known for their harsh, gritty feel. This soil originates from weathered stones, such as granite and limestone. The gritty texture of the soil is a result of these harsh origins. Sandy soils can be easy to cultivate if there are plenty of nutrients in the soil. It warms quickly in spring, which helps in creating fertile ground. However, sandy soil also drains rapidly, becoming dehydrated quite easily, and this can cause problems when planting new seeds. Another downside to this type of rapid draining is that the nutrients can be washed away swiftly, leaving the ground starved of the right natural foods.
PLANTS GROWN IN SANDY SOIL: Food plants Other food plants that grow well in sandy soil include tomatoes, strawberries, blueberries, peppers, lettuce and some kinds of beans. Cacti Cacti often require sandy soil, being adapted to a readily drained substrate. Flowering plants Flowering plants that grow well in sandy soil include day lilies, irises, hostas, cosmos, bitter-root, red columbine, coreopsis, purple cone flower, lavender, yarrow, black-eyed Susan, evening primrose, downy phlox and spotted bee balm.
Feels lumpy and sticky when very wet, rock- hard when dry; fine-grained soil that combines one or more clay minerals with traces of metal oxides and organic matter. Clays swell and shrink as they wet and dry, effectively cultivating themselves In medium-textured soils, clay is often washed downward through the soil profile and accumulates in the subsoil Clay soils contain more than 30 percent fine clay particles Clay soils, which are heavier than other type soils retb retain in water very well, Many vegetable crops grow in clay soils. Leafy Vegetables Peas Potatoes pH value of uk clay soil Soil pH values for example some clay soils; Alkaline or ‘limey’ with a pH between 7 and 14, for example chalky soil. With UK soils the pH
Subsoil in United Kingdom Characteristics This is layer lying beneath topsoil. Composed of a variable mixture of small particles such as sand, silt and/or clay. More Compact than the topsoil. It is not as well aerated as the top soil. Lighter in colour and more stickier. Lacks the organic matter and humus content of topsoil Area Covered The agricultural area used is 17.2 million hectares, about 70% of the land area of the United Kingdom. 36% of the agricultural land is croppable (arable), or 25% of the total land area. Rest are the grassland, rough grazing, or woodland. Major Crops Wheat Barley Oats Potatoes Sugar Beet Oil Seed Rape