Complementary and Alternative Medicine Instuctor: Filicity Watts September 10, 2014 Brief hello and state name. Wait until slide to go into details.
Overview Day 1 Introduction Go Over Syllabus About Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM) Subgroups: ◦ Natural products ◦ Mind and Body Practices Natural Products Questions Again read through and wait for more detail.
Introduction and Syllabus Introduction Syllabus Name, background, experience, family, hobbies Read from syllabus, ask for questions along the way
CAM Description of CAM 2 Subgroups of CAM CAM can be broken down into two different subgroups, natural products, and mind and body practices. These can be broken down even farther into 4 major groups falling into these subgroups but we are going to take a generalized look at CAM today to increase your general knowledge of what it is and how it can help you and your loved ones. “CAM is a group of health and medical care systems, products and practices not generally thought to be a part of conventional or “Western” medicine. The phrase “complimentary medicine” refers to therapies used along with traditional medicine and “alternative medicine” refers to therapies used in place of traditional medicine. ” (Wellness Proposals, 2013)
Natural Products Herbs (aka botanicals) Vitamins and Minerals Probiotics Promoted as ACT’s (Alternative Cancer Treatment Take shape of a pill, liquid or powder Examples = green tea, st. Johns wort, ginseng. essiac Can slow growth of some cancerous tumors Helps with digestion and the human gut Omega 3’s Multi vitamins Supplemental
Complementary and Alternative Medicine Instuctor: Filicity Watts September 17, 2014
Overview Day 2 Review Day 1 Materials Mind and Body Practices Questions
Review CAM- Two Subgroups of CAM - Natural Products o Herbs o Vitamins and Minerals o Probiotics Get information from previous slides and notes
Mind and Body Practices What is it? ◦ Different types Yoga Acupuncture Massage Therapy Meditation Meditation, breathing exercises, relaxation, posture Medical benefits-helps with chronic back pain, reduces blood pressure, etc Chemotherapy help Dental pain Beneficial for relieving pain, sports injuries, stress reduction, relaxation, anxity, depession My car injury story Big stress reducer, balance, good sense of calmness and peace Example of an exercise that only takes 20 minutes a day
Mind and Body Practices Different Types Continued… Movement Therapies Relaxation Techniques Spinal Manipulation Other “Broad range of eastern and western movement-based approaches; feldenkrais method Alexander technique, pilates, rolfing structural integregation” (nccam, 2014) (explain each) Helps body with relaxation examples include breathing exercises, and guided imagery. Example of 10 min breathing exercise. Chiropractors Healing touch hypnotherrapy
Complementary and Alternative Medicine Instuctor: Filicity Watts September 24, 2014
Overview Day 3 Review Description of CAM Review 2 Subgroups of CAM: ◦ Natural products ◦ Mind and Body Practices General Medicine versus CAM Interesting Facts Websites Questions
Review CAM- Two Subgroups of CAM -Natural Products -Mind and Body Practices Review from other slides
CAM versus General Medicine Side effects of general medicine Cutting into body and irreversable surgeries Cost Overall Health and Wellness Long list on the commercials Look up some websites with all side effects (have them pick a medicine and I will look it up for them to see Cost Story about my husbands surgery CAM in long run way cheaper than health care, solve the problem naturally instead of relying on a pill to hide the real problem Live a healthy life without relying on pills to make it through the day
Fun Facts Preterm newborns and massage therapy Pediatric Asthma Acupuncture research Health Care Coverage Read stats on Read stats on Read stats on Some CAM practices are covered by Health Insurance.
Websites for more info Navigate a little through each website
Thank you for attending, now go out and spread your new found knowledge.
References Wellness Proposals. (2013). Complimentary and Alternative Medicine. Retrieved from Oxford Health Plan. (2014). CAM Facts and Research. Retrieved from (2014). h.html (2014). h.html National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine. (2014). Complementary, Alternative, or Integrative Health: What’s In a Name? Retrieved from Mayo Clinic. (2014). Retrieved from