English Language Arts
Mrs. Sollecito Honors, College Prep Language Arts
What is Pre-Advanced Placement? Pre-Advanced Placement (AP) classes are on-grade level academically advanced courses designed to challenge motivated students to understand rigorous content. The coursework requires students to engage in independent and analytical assignments. Pre-Advanced Placement (AP) classes are on-grade level academically advanced courses designed to challenge motivated students to understand rigorous content. The coursework requires students to engage in independent and analytical assignments.
Mission of our Magnet In collaboration with our teachers, parents and community, the mission of Tetzlaff Accelerated Learning Academy is to: In collaboration with our teachers, parents and community, the mission of Tetzlaff Accelerated Learning Academy is to: Provide a rigorous and relevant curriculum which challenges students mentally and physically to be prepared for advanced high school placement courses. Provide a rigorous and relevant curriculum which challenges students mentally and physically to be prepared for advanced high school placement courses. Use higher order thinking strategies, analytical reasoning, and data analysis, in order for Tetzlaff’s students to compete in a 21st century global society. Use higher order thinking strategies, analytical reasoning, and data analysis, in order for Tetzlaff’s students to compete in a 21st century global society.
SpringBoard © by CollegeBoard English & Math Research based instructional strategies Research based instructional strategies Current Literature Current Literature Collaborative-Project based curriculum Collaborative-Project based curriculum Pacing and assessment tools Pacing and assessment tools
Curriculum Literature Spring Board: Spring Board: This year students will be using Spring Board, which is a Pre-AP (Advance Placement) program. Students will read and study all genres of literature. Each unit will include multiple activities and two assessments to help chart your student’s progress. Your student will receive an activity calendar at the beginning of each unit. At the completion of each activity, your student will get a stamp on the chart. At the end of the unit, I will collect the chart, add up points for the activities and two assessments, send it home for a signature, and ask for it to be returned. Accelerated Reader: Accelerated Reader: Students will take a placement test to determine their reading levels, and then check out novels to use for daily reading. Each student will have a composition book to use for a reading log Monday – Thursday evenings and during class on Fridays. At the end of each novel, students will take a quiz on the book for a grade. Students will also complete book reports in December and May. Students will also have an opportunity to participate in the Principal’s Challenge to earn prizes for reading books! Writing Each unit of Spring Board focuses on a writing type. All writing types will be covered through this program and extra practice will be given. Summary writing and quick writes will be common in class and homework assignments. Students will also participate in district writing tests and 7 th graders will take the state writing test in March. Grammar All areas of grammar will be covered using the Spring Board curriculum, a quarterly practice packet, and Language of Literature practice. Vocabulary Each student will have a vocabulary composition book to mirror the word walls created in class throughout the school year. This practice will increase vocabulary to use in daily conversation, writing, and reading.
Discipline My classroom policy: 1. Warning 2. Time out and student/teacher discussion 3. Parent contact and incident report 4. Office referral *Any extreme problem will be an automatic office referral
Honors Writing Writing Students will explore essays meeting the 7 th grade LA Standards. The essays will be taken to a “deeper level” My philosophy Is not more busy work, but more in depth study Literature In addition to the Spring Board curriculum, students will use the Language of Literature textbook (sent home in the beginning of the year) for a more intense study on short stories, and for author studies.
Daily Assignments Daily assignments will be completed in the Springboard book Daily assignments will be completed in the Springboard book The next day the teacher will check for completion and stamp the students unit paper The next day the teacher will check for completion and stamp the students unit paper The paper will be collected at the end of the unit and points will be awarded to the student The paper will be collected at the end of the unit and points will be awarded to the student Silent Reading Students are asked to read a minimum of 20 minutes per night Each night students should write 3 – 5 sentences in the SSR log book provided by the teacher This book will be collected EVERY FRIDAY Students must bring SSR book Friday to class
Writing 7 th grade writing genre 7 th grade writing genre Summary Summary Response to Literature Response to Literature Persuasive Persuasive Narrative Narrative Research Report Research Report All 7 th graders will take a the State Writing test The Writing Test will be the first week of March The style of writing will not be revealed until the test booklet is opened
Late/Make-up Work LATE WORK LATE WORK Students will notify parents the day of a missing assignment by writing a letter Students will notify parents the day of a missing assignment by writing a letter The letter is due with a parent signature the NEXT DAY with the COMPLETED ASSIGNMENT The letter is due with a parent signature the NEXT DAY with the COMPLETED ASSIGNMENT Late assignments will be marked down Late assignments will be marked down MAKE-UP POLICY Each day of absence = # of days you have to make up work Absent work will receive full credit
Grading Policy Grading Scale Grading Scale 90% - 100%A 90% - 100%A 80% - 89%B 80% - 89%B 65% - 79%C 65% - 79%C 51% - 64%D 51% - 64%D 50% and below F 50% and below F Dates to Remember Redi Step Test October 11 and 12 November 1 – 4 “Finals Week” District Benchmark, including Writing STAR TESTING May