Esperanza Rising By: Pam Muñoz Ryan (Typed by Gabby, Sydney, and Hannah) jpg
Esperanza Rising is about a girl named Esperanza; she’s the daughter of a rich ranch owner. Jeremy%20Ranch%20view2.JPG
Esperanza’s papa (Her dad) died because bandits killed him. = html&usg=__IGbWC6NyivN- KhYDfHT_D8EnR7M=&h=1600&w=1600&sz=168&hl=en &start=8&tbnid=JaMjH5AgfxPojM:&tbnh=150&tbnw=150 &prev=/images%3Fq%3Dspanish%2Bman%26gbv%3D2 %26hl%3Den%26safe%3Dactive
Tio Luis (Esperanza’s step uncle) wants to marry Esperanza’s mom, and take over the ranch. (picture found on clip art!)
Esperanza’s mom refused to marry tio Luis, so he set their house on fire /42_2008/House-Fire.xlarge.jpg
Now that Esperanza and her family are poor they have to move to California, to find work. map/maps/california-county-map.gif