Preparing for your new District Website with SCHOOLinSITES District Design Choices
INSTRUCTIONS the following information to your Project Manager: Choose Model for district Logo/crest/seal that you would like to use in your design Choose primary and secondary colors for District Design Provide photo of district office (optional) in.jpg format Your full district name, address, and contact information as you would like to appear on your site Be sure to include any byline or motto you would like included in your site Be sure to include any specific changes to the design you would like. Your project manager will then be able to inform you if (a) Changes can be done by you and will be learned during the training process (b) Changes will be done by our design team, or (c) Changes will require some modification to the current design which must have prior approval and time to finalize.
ARCH Cohesive with the Arch School Design Primary Color: Blue Secondary Color: Gray Mission and Vision statements can be personalized Standard Size Slideshow Rivercrest ISD: Warren Alvarado Oslo:
ARCH MODIFIED Primary Color: Maroon Secondary Color: Gray Mission and Vision statements can be personalized Social Media icons are prominently displayed Standard Size Slideshow iScholars Magnet Academy: Gateway Community Action: Youth Consultation Service:
AURORA Primary Color: Blue Secondary Color: Gray Cohesive with the Aurora School Design Clean, Flat design The four boxes below the slideshow are hardcoded to pages. These boxes can be named anything. (Default names are: Parents, Students, Community, and Employees.) Can only be changed by SIS once established. Facebook, Twitter, and RSS icons are hardcoded. District News photos on the homepage Twitter Feed is integrated into the design
AXIOM Cohesive with the Axiom School Design Primary Color: Blue Secondary Color: White Quote in middle banner can be personalized Image in middle banner can be photo, watermark, or sepia Background with or without gradient effect Meridian Public Schools: Piper USD 203: Boone Central Schools:
NEW AXIOM Cohesive with the Axiom School Design Primary Color only design in the header, but a secondary, or additional color(s) can be included Image and quote in banner can be personalized. Image can be full color, sepia, or watermark Image Icons will be hardcoded to pages. We need icon names in advance. Can only be changed by SIS once established. You may also provide your own images. Standard Size Slide Show Gradient in background optional. Central Heights ISD: Montgomery Public Schools: Franklin County Schools:
BRIGHT Cohesive with the Bright School Design Primary Color: Blue Secondary Color: Gray News Module is to the side on the home page Main Menu is a drop down No side navigation on the home page
COASTLINE Cohesive with the Coastline School Design Standard Size Slide Show Primary Color: Blue Secondary Color: Yellow (Ribbon) Linden Unified School District: Chickasaw City School System: School District of Marinette: (customized links & home page)
COLLEGIATE Primary Color: Blue Secondary Color: Tan The five buttons on the right- hand side will be hardcoded to pages. These buttons can be named anything. (Default names are: Parents, Students, Community, Faculty, and Employment) Can only be changed by SIS once established. Facebook, Twitter, and RSS icons are hardcoded. Side navigation available on the homepage District News photos on the homepage Talladega County Schools: Emerald City:
CONTOUR Primary Color: Royal Blue Secondary Color: Sky Blue Image Icon are initially created by SiS and then you are provided with a template and an admin area to maintain these images and links No side navigation on the home page This is a custom slideshow area. Photoshop is necessary to create the large slideshow images with a text area on the side. A slide template will be provided for Photoshop use. Huntsville City Schools: Perry County Schools: Cedarville Public Schools:
CUBE Cohesive with the Cube School Design Primary Color: Gold Secondary Color: Black Image Icons will be hardcoded to pages. We need icon names in advance. Can only be changed by SIS once established. You may also provide your own images. By default, Top Events are NOT automatically displayed on the home page but can very easily be added as requested. No side navigation on the home page Hoover City Schools: Windham Public Schools: Houston County Board of Education:
EPIC Cohesive with the Epic School Design Primary Color: Blue Secondary Color: Gray Mascot/seal can appear in left or right banner Slide show larger than standard. Images “may” require editing prior to uploading to fit properly. Athens City Schools: Coffee County School System: Carrollton City Schools:
FLAIR Primary Color: Green Secondary Color: Black Will provide Photoshop template for slideshow If Photoshop template is not used, slideshow will have rectangular edges Facebook and Twitter links hardcoded but can be removed in the design process if needed Image Icons will be hardcoded to pages. We need icon names in advance. Can only be changed by SIS once established. You may also provide your own images. No side navigation on the home page Can make all departments available through a Department main link Jones Public Schools: Central Decatur CSD:
HARMONY Cohesive with the Serenity School Design Multiple Color Scheme Design Primary Color – Blue Secondary Color – Red Third Color can be requested Column Headings can be renamed during design setup Column 1: Main Page Text Area for Greeting Column 2: Additional text area more information Column 3: District/School News and Top Events Standard Size Slide Show Harmony now includes drop down menu The 3 columns are rollover images and have a FIXED height Oneonta City Schools: Wyndmere Public School: Jefferson County Schools:
OCEANIC Cohesive with the Oceanic School Design Primary Color: Blue Secondary Color: Gray Motto needed to display in the ribbon Standard Proportion Slide Show Fannin County School System: DuBois Area Catholic School: Colleton County: (Customized Main Links, Slideshow, and Articles in Center Column. Version available by request.)
PHOTOSPREE Primary Color: Black Secondary Color: Yellow Pictures in double ribbon are static and hardcoded. Needed in advance. Image above ribbons static. Standard Size Slide Show above home page greeting Amite County School District: Pineville Independent School District: Pillager School District: (Custom links)
POSEIDON Primary Color: Green Secondary Color: Orange Slide Show is ONE picture. A layered Photoshop file with appropriate dimensions. As many, or as few photos can be used with the Photoshop file as guide. Custom Home Page. Provides for 3 columns of text content that you maintain. Wilkinson County School District: Woodson School District 366: Weld County School District:
REFLECTION Cohesive with the Reflection School Design Primary color - Red Secondary color - White Large Slide Show The four buttons (Default: Home, About, News, and Contact) will stay on all pages and do not need to be main links. These are hardcoded and can be modified in the design process. Facebook and Twitter links are hardcoded can be removed in the design process if they do not have these. No side navigation on the home page. Encouraged to make all departments available through a Departments main link. Ocean City Schools: Archuleta School District #50: Red Oak ISD: Custom Accordion Menu, Side Navigation and Social Icons. Design available by request.
SERENITY Cohesive with the Serenity School Design Multi-Color Design Primary Color – Black Secondary Color – Red Third Color - Gray Column Headings can be renamed during design setup Column 1: Main Page Text Area for Greeting Column 2: Additional text area more information Column 3: News and Event Information Standard Size Slide Show Navigation found as drop down menu from main links The 3 columns do NOT have a fixed height Philadelphia Public Schools: Knob Noster Public Schools: Educational Achievement Authority:
STEADFAST Cohesive with the Steadfast School Design Primary Color: Burgundy Secondary Color: Gray Standard Size Slide Show Image and quote in middle area can be personalized. Image can be full color, sepia, or watermark Top Banner customizable Appling County School System: Cleveland School District: Meade County Schools:
STREAM Primary Color: Blue Secondary Color: Black Will provide Photoshop template for slide show If Photoshop template is not used, slide show will be one wide image Facebook and Twitter links hardcoded but can be removed in the design process if needed Marion County: Daleville City: Manchester Academy:
STRIPES Primary Color: Red Secondary Color: White Will provide Photoshop template for slide show If Photoshop template is not used, slide show will have rectangular edges Image Icons will be hardcoded to pages. We need icon names in advance. Can only be changed by SIS once established. You may also provide your own images. The four buttons (Home, About, News, and Contact) will stay on all pages and do not need to be main links. These are hardcoded and can be modified in the design process. Facebook and Twitter links hardcoded but can be removed in the design process if needed No side navigation on the home page Can make all departments available through a Department main link Satsuma City School District: Stratton School District: