The Age of Jackson
Adams’ July 4, 1821 Speech “What ever the standard of freedom and independence has been or shall be unfurled, there will her [America’s] heart,… and her prayers be. But she goes not abroad in search of monsters to destroy. She is well-wisher to the freedom and independence of all.” The United States has no designs on the territory of other nations or become a world police.
New Political Parties Republican Party splits National Republicans-Adams Democrats-Jackson
1824 Election Andrew Jackson wins popular vote but not electoral vote. Adams elected by the House with Clay’s support. Jackson claims corruption. -Forms Democratic Party to block Adams policies.
Democracy and Citizenship Increased suffrage-The right to vote. States ease voting qualification; few require land ownership. By 1828, 3X new voters help Jackson win the presidency.
Spoils System Limits appointees to federal jobs to four-years terms. Replaces them with his friends. - “kitchen cabinet”
Jackson Opposes the Bank Vetoes bill to recharter Second Bank of the United States. -privileged institution that favors the wealthy.
Pet Banks Jackson puts fed. money in state banks loyal to Demo. Party. -print paper money to excess gold and silver. -Gov. demands gold and silver specie (coins) to pay for land. -Rush to exchange paper money for specie, bank stop taking paper. B.U.S. can not be saved.
Indian Removal Act of 1830 Remove or Assimilate? Jackson says remove them. Funds treaties that forces Native Amer. west. -pressures some, forcibly removes others.
Trail of Tears 800-mile trip west made on foot. Native Amer. robbed by everyone, 30% die from exposure, disease, and starvation.
Nullification, South Carolina Rebels Threatens to secede due to 1828, 1832 tariffs. Congress passes Force Bill. -Army and navy can be used against SC. Henry Clay proposes tariff that lowers duties over ten years.
Whig Party Forms to back American System, oppose Jackson.
Jackson Legacy Martin Van Buren wins 1836 election with Jackson’s help.
Panic of 1837 Bank closings, collapse of credit system. -People lose savings, businesses bankrupted. -A third of pop. out of work. Van Buren unable to solve economy.
Harrison and Tyler Whig William Henry Harrison wins 1840 election. -Enacts Whig program to revitalize economy. -Died a month later, succeeded V.P John Tyler. -Tyler opposes many parts of Whig economic plan.
Harrison Tyler
1.How did Andrew Jackson justify the spoils system? (pg. 228) 2.What were the arguments for and against the second Bank of the United States? (pg ) 3.Explain the Trail of Tears and President Jackson’s respond to the ruling of Worcester v. Georgia. (pg ) 4.What was the conflict between state and federal powers and how did it lead to concept of nullification and secession? (pg )
Vocabulary 1.Andrew Jackson 2.Suffrage 3.Caucus 4.Nominating Convention 5.Spoils System 6.Nullification 7.Secede 8.Indian Removal Act 9.Indian Territory 10.Sequoyah 11.Trail of Tear