Pamella Asquith, FMC Librarian Independent Learning Week April 2010
Within WORD 2007, there are many valuable research tools : Dictionaries Encyclopedias (Encarta not loaded on all PCs) Translation “Live” MSN search (has never worked for me) Databases ◦ Factiva iWorks (business newspapers) ◦ HighBeam Research ◦ Thomson Gale Company Profiles ◦ MSN Money Stock Quotes
Note: Encarta Encyclopedia is not loaded on all PCs but Dictionary is.
Online translations are done by a machine, not a person with a brain. So, sometimes a translation can be strange and incorrect.
Newspaper articles Wall Street Journal Dow Jones
Newspapers, magazines, academic journals, newswires, trade magazines and encyclopedias Product claims to fill gap between free search like Google and high-end offerings
Company Profiles by Thomson Gale MSN Money Stock Quotes
Microsoft products come bundled in different ways and loaded with different features. So, a particular version of Word 2007 might not be identical to what is presented herein.
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