IEEE Toronto Section 1903 – 2003 Centennial Celebration PES Conference July 14, 2003
u Established on Sep. 30, 1903 part of AIEE u First Section Chair, J.L. Krammerer u First Canadian IRE formed in Toronto in 1925 u AIEE and IRE merged in 1963 u Over 100 Chairs have served the Toronto Section u Web Site: IEEE Toronto Section History
Toronto in 1903 and in 2003
The IEEE Toronto Section u Largest Section in Canada with over 3000 members u Membership include 39 Fellows,190 Senior members & 200 Life members u 10 Technical Chapters covering 18 Societies. Over 500 PE Chapter members. PE Chapter was formed in 1964 u Providing Student Scholarship Grants since 1980 u Issue Monthly Electronic Newsletter and Annual “Connection ”
Geographical Distribution
Toronto Boundaries
Centennial Celebration u Special event on October 04, 2003 with IEEE Region 7 u 250 Guests including former Section Chairs and IEEE Representatives u Student Scholarships will be renamed in recognition of dedicated Section Volunteers u Awards will be presented
Wishing PES Conference and the Organizing Committee a great success and enjoyable stay in Toronto