Why Shift Now? The Common Core State Standards provide a consistent, clear understanding of what students are expected to learn, so teachers and parents know what they need to do to help them. The standards are designed to be robust and relevant to the real world, reflecting the knowledge and skills that our young people need for success in college and careers. With American students fully prepared for the future, our communities will be best positioned to compete successfully in the global economy. Building on the excellent foundation of standards states have laid, the Common Core State Standards are the first step in providing our young people with a high-quality education. It should be clear to every student, parent, and teacher what the standards of success are in every school.
FDOE Vision Florida will have an efficient world-class education system that engages and prepares all students to be globally competitive for college and careers. Guiding Principles 1. Florida students are our first priority. 2. Teachers and leaders are essential to success; therefore we must invest in them. 3. The department must set high expectations, stress accountability, and honor local control.
Florida’s CCSS Implementation Plan Full Implementation Grade K Begin Implementation of Literacy Standards in ALL Content Areas for Grades Begin Implementation of Rich and Complex Text and Informational Text for Grades K-12 Full Implementation Grades K-1 Full Implementation of Literacy Standards in ALL Content Areas for Grades Continue Implementation of Rich and Complex Text and Informational Text for Grades K-12 Full Implementation Grades K-2 Implementation of a Blended Curriculum (CCSS and Supplemental NGSSS Aligned to FCAT 2.0 and EOCs) for Grades 3-12 Continue Implementation of Rich and Complex Text and Informational Text for Grades K-12 Full Implementation Grades K-12 PARCC Assessments Aligned to CCSS Phase 1 ( ) Phase 2 ( ) Phase 3 ( ) Phase 4 ( )
3 Shifts in Mathematics 1.Focus strongly where the Standards focus. 2.Coherence: Think across grades, and link to major topics within grades. 3.Rigor: Require fluency, application, and deep understanding.
3 Shifts in Literacy 1.Building knowledge through content-rich nonfiction and informational texts. 2.Reading and writing grounded in evidence from text. 3.Regular practice with complex text and its academic vocabulary.
Why Comprehension Instructional Sequence (CIS)? Focuses on science (or social studies) content while practicing reading skills Supports evidence-based conclusions Scaffolds deeper comprehension of science content Allows you to “double-up” on content area time: “Read science in reading time + do science in science time”
Integrating Science into ELA Using the Comprehension Instructional Sequence (CIS) Series of 3 “close readings” of a complex informational text wrapped around an Essential Question Content is science-based, but focus is comprehending text and writing in response to text Each reading has its own purpose and tool Each reading uses a gradual release process, followed by discussion – I Do: Teacher reads first 2-4 paragraphs aloud and models use of tool in a “think aloud” process – We Do: Student and a partner reads next 2-4 paragraphs aloud and supports student use of tool – You Do: Students use tool independently
Benchmark Focus SC.5.P.13.1 – Identify familiar forces that cause objects to move, such as pushes or pulls, including gravity on falling objects. SC.5.P.13.2 – Investigate and describe that the greater the force applied to it, the greater the change in motion of a given object. SC.5.P.13.3 – Investigate and describe that the more mass an object has, the less effect a given force will have on the object’s motion. SC.5.P.13.4 – Investigate and explain that when a force is applied to an object but it does not move, it is because another opposing force is being applied by something in the environment so that the forces are balanced. Common Core Integration LACC.K12.L.3.4 : Determine or clarify the meaning of unknown and multiple- meaning words and phrases by using context clues, analyzing meaningful word parts, and consulting general and specialized reference materials, as appropriate. LACC.5.W.3.9: Draw evidence from literary or informational texts to support analysis, reflection, and research. LACC.5.SL.1.1: Engage effectively in a range of collaborative discussions (one-on- one, in groups, and teacher-led) with diverse partners on grade 5 topics and texts, building on others’ ideas and expressing their own clearly.
Hook Question How much impact do force and motion have on your life? A. A great deal B. Some impact C. Very little impact Three Corners Activity
Predictive Written Response Predictive Written Response to Complex Text-Based Question Using your background knowledge, write about a time when you used force to do something.
Vocabulary Paragraph # Science or Academic Specific Vocabulary Definition from Context/Word Part 1 forces a push or pull multiple meaning and context 3-4 gravity a force that pulls objects together multiple meaning and context 7 matter everything around us that has mass and takes up space multiple meaning and context 8 mass the amount of matter in an object context 9 weight a measure of the pull of gravity in an object’s mass context 12 friction A force that resists motion when two objects rub against each other word part (frictio=Latin for to rub; ion=the process of)
CIS Reading #2 Text Coding Developing Codes for Text Markin g Unchallenging Coding Promotes lower-level thinking and can be used less complex text for independent student reading. N= New information I = I know this A = Agree D = Disagree ? = Don’t understand C = Connection Complex Coding Promotes higher-level thinking Cause and Effect reading C = Cause E = Effect Problem and Solution P = Problem S = Solution N = Neutral Others: H = Hypothesis O = Observation FI = Finding FA = Fact
Reading # 1: T ext Coding CodeDescription (Examples) Fo Force G Force of Gravity Fr Friction
1 2 3 Fo G
Reading #2
Reading # 2 Text Codes and Directed Note-Taking Teacher explains Directed Note-Taking Teacher presents a guiding question to direct students thinking while coding and taking notes. Teacher models note-taking using an example statement from the text, then selecting the category or categories that support the statement.
CIS Reading #2—Gather Evidence Using the text, students begin collecting notes that will help them eventually answer the Essential Question (purpose) Directed Note-Taking sheet (tool) For the “You Do” section, students partner-read, collaborating on the Directed Note-Taking sheet; however, both students keep their own sheet and don’t have to agree on notes taken. Discussion Draft Written Response to Essential Question Differentiation: teacher may choose to continue to work with a small group of students, scaffolding their reading; however, encourage students to uncover their own notes to add.
1 2 3 Fo G
Reading # 2: Partner Reads Directed Note-taking Using Force and Motion Guiding Question: Using evidence from the article, describe how forces and motion affect your everyday life? Paragraph # NOTESCheck relevant categories below Evidence of force Evidence of gravity Evidence of friction 1 Pushes and pulls are forces that make everything around us move. X 2 “A car certainly gets you to your destination faster than using your feet.” XX
Writing in Response to Text Everything in the CIS leads to final writing. Pre-writing is based on prior knowledge. All others include “According to text…” and are meant to be evidence-based writing. Evidence-based writing is critical component of CCSS ELA.
First Draft Written Response to Essential Question First Draft Written Response to Essential Question According to the text, how do forces and motion affect our live?
Reading #3
CIS Reading #3 Individual Reading Question Generation Teacher explains Question Generation Teacher models re-reading a portion of the text and generating one or two questions Students read independently generating questions. Class meets together afterwards to share/ discuss Excellent for enrichment opportunities/Inquiry
CIS Reading #3—Metacognition Students listen to the questions that pop into their heads as they independently read the text (purpose) Generating Questions sheet (tool)—done independently so students can pay attention to their thinking Discussion at end leads into science content Written Response to Essential Question
CIS Reading # 3 Individual Reading Generating Questions A.“Can this question be answered by Research (R)?” If so, put an X in the Research column. B.“Can this question be answered by Observation (O)? If so, put an X in the Observation column. C.“Can this question be answered by Hands-on (H) (experiment, investigation, or science activity)?” If so, put an X in the Hands-on column. If you don’t know the category, make sure you present it in our discussion at the end of the reading so your teammates can offer suggestions.
Reading #3: Generating Questions Question Generation: Using Force and Motion Paragraph # Questions Can the question be answered by.. Check relevant categories below Hands-on experiment or inquiry Research for Scientific Facts Observation 1 How is force and motion taking place when I am sleeping? X X 3 How does gravity keep our feet on the ground? XX X
CIS Reading # 3 Individual Reading Using the Questions – In discussion, have students share their “best question.” – Collect the questions on sentence strips or posters with the headings Research, Hands-on, Observation. – As you move through the unit, have the students keep these questions in mind. When they have the answer to one of them, they add it to the question. If they find the answer to a question in the Hands-on category by researching, have them move the question. – The R, O, and H questions can be used for enrichment, extensions, inquiry, or STEM activities. Pick one of the questions from your table and come up with an idea for a science activity that will help answer that question. Be prepared to share your table’s idea.
Final Written Response to Complex Text-Based Question Final Written Response to Complex Text-Based Question According to the text and extended text discussion, how do forces affect your everyday life? Journal Writing Reflection
Final Written Response to Complex Text-Based Question Final Written Response to Complex Text-Based Question According to the text and extended text discussion, how do forces affect your everyday life? According to the text and my discussions in class, I believe that force and motion play an important role in our lives. Push and pull are the forces that make everything around us move. In the text it states that “without push and pull we wouldn’t be able to breathe, eat, or move”. However, things on Earth don’t just start moving, a force is something that makes them move. There are two forces that are always acting on us: Gravity, which is force that pulls objects together and is responsible for keeping our feet on the ground. The other force that is always acting around us is friction. It is a force that resists motion when two objects rub against each other. In some cases friction may be helpful, as when you are walking and in other cases it may affect some athletes such as swimmers or skaters. The texts give a very good example how we use the force of gravity when playing basketball.
REMEMBER……. It isn’t necessary to do a complete CIS all the time— these complex strategies work together to help unlock a complicated text. Once students have mastered how to do each section, one component (i.e., Directed Note-Taking or Final Written Response) can be used with any text.
CER Framework Adapted from Toulmin (1958) Claim -a conclusion about a problem Evidence -scientific data that is appropriate and sufficient to support the claim. Reasoning -a justification that shows why the data counts as evidence to support the claim and includes appropriate scientific principles Extension Activity Claim, Evidence and Reasoning (CER)
Use the CER strategy to answer the following question? Is friction always helpful? A. Claim: Friction is a very useful force. B. Claim: Friction is not always helpful.
Fr F
The claim, evidence and reasoning (CER) framework can be used to support students in constructing arguments in science. The CER framework can be used across reading, talking and writing. The complexity of the CER framework and students’ work should increase over elementary, middle and high school.