20 th largest metropolitan city in the world – Beijing, China at 12 million
19 th place is Rio de Janeiro at 12,100,000
18 th is Dhaka, Bangladesh with 13,100,000 inhabitants
17 th is Buenos Aires, Argentina, with a pop. of 13,400,000
16 th place goes to Moscow, Russia with 13,750,000 people
At No. 15 is Karachi, Pakistan with 14,125,000 inhabitants
14 th largest is Manila in the Philippines at 14,850,000
13 th is Cairo, Egypt with 15,450,000 people
12 th is Kolkata, (Calcutta) India with 15,550,000
Osaka, Japan is 11 th largest with 16,800,000 people
10 th is Jakarta, Indonesia with 17,150,000 people
9 th largest by population is Shanghai, China with 17,900,000
8 th largest is Los Angeles with 18,100,000 in its metropolitan area.
7 th largest city by population is Delhi, India with 19,500,000 people
6 th place goes to Mumbai (formerly Bombay), India at 19,700,000
The 5 th largest is Sao Paulo, Brazil with 20,200,000 inhabitants
4 th is New York City at 22 million
In 3 rd place is Mexico City with 22,650,000 in its metropolitan area
2 nd place goes to Seoul with 25 million
1 st place is Tokyo, Japan with over 34 million inhabitants
Recreation Aspects of living in Asia
Tokyo Water Park, where their slogan reads …