Earthquakes ● Earthquake: a sudden and violent shaking of Earth, caused by movements within the crust or volcanism ● Ex. San Francisco Earthquake in California
Earthquakes Epicenter - The point directly above the focus or source of the earthquake. (Often described using the largest nearby city) Magnitude - Amount of energy released from the earthquake. (Often described using a number) Ex) Picture on the right. Honshu Japan is the epicenter. 7.3 is the magnitude.
Tsunamis ● Tsunami: a large, long sea wave resulting from an earthquake, submarine landslide, or other disturbance ● 90% of all tsunamis occur in the Pacific Ocean
Solutions to Earthquakes ● Seismology: scientific study of earthquakes and the movement of seismic waves ● Seismic Activity: the type, frequency, and size of earthquakes that happen over a period of time in a certain area ● Seismograph: the instrument used to detect and record earthquakes
Solutions to Tsunamis ● Seismographs ● Computerized offshore buoys (measure changes in wave height) ● System of sirens on the beach (to alert people of potential tsunami danger)